Following Kimset's introduction, Adamar slowly rose from one of the front-row seats. With an eerie aura about him, he strode to where Kimset had stood. Just as before, he clutched his book close to him, and his entirety was covered from head to toe with a hooded robe, mask, leather armor and black wrappings that looked similar to gauze. His dry voice cracked into existence from behind the bronze mask once again. [color=a187be][i]"My name is Adamar. My knowledge of the supernatural and my skills with magic will be necessary if you wish to survive in the Fog. My reasons for being here are my own, and I care not for any of your motives."[/i][/color] Without waiting for any response, Adamar returned to his seat. Those sitting near him very obviously had faces of concern or suspicion, but none rose their voice against him.