[h1]The Ironborne Legion[/h1] I feel like there's only one clan worthy of the greatness of these Khazan-Khal Dwarves. With a will of metal, and great honour do these dwarves, they who once came from, arguably, the greatest dwarven nation of the world, belong to the great Ironbeard Clan. Much like their progenitors, they stand with an everlasting will, unyielding Runic armour and weapons of mythological qualities should they reestablish themselves in these foreign lands. They stand at the very foot of the worlds tallest mountain in the North-eastern region of the map. However, due to the nature of their exile, not all members of this group are of the Ironbeard clan. Uthmark the Builder, a lieutenant within Uthor's remnant Ironborne Legion, is a warrior of the Brownbeard. All that is left of the Ironborne Legion is represented by this [color=C0C0C0]color.[/color]