"[color=MediumSeaGreen][i]Precisely. We don't need to kill them all, we only need to be the last one standing.[/i][/color]" With little love for physical confrontation, Jacob was very keen on the idea of watching this opera from afar. Getting someone else to fight his battles would increase his chances of victory, and if that someone dare harm anyone other than the combatants, he would be sure they meet their end. "[color=MediumSeaGreen][i]Just promise that when you "jump" me, you make it convincing. Pull your punches and I'll be mad.[/i][/color]" He smiled coyly at Assassin, in the same way she had done to him many times. The clock on the wall told him it was time to get home, more sleep tonight would help him be more aware tomorrow. Dinner was also fresh on his mind, something simple and effortless was especially appealing to him. "[color=MediumSeaGreen][i]So what does the night hold for you Lucille? Do you wish to do more scouting or would you like me to drive you home?[/i][/color]" [right][sup][@Constantine][/sup][/right]