[center][h2]The Riders of The Ventian Step[/h2][/center] We are the noble savages, the nomads of the Steppe, The Horse People. We came from the womb of the ocean and now we thrive in the grassy plains of this new land. Our human bodies may be frail and weak when tested by the races of greater strength but we endure as the waves endure, carried by our steeds, watched after by our creator and led by our sovereign. We call no one place home, instead we move, reciprocating around the boarders of the Great Western Steppe. But the time is nearing to plant our banners into the earth and erect our walls, to enforce the Rule of Law and to thrive. We are The Noble Savages, The Nomads of The Steppe, The Horse People. And this is our [color=RoyalBlue]color[/color]. [hider=Where Ventium Will Stand] If one were to place their finger on the map, on the northern most point of the eastern most island and trace it to the coast, not the one opposite but the one beyond that. There is where Ventium lies.[/hider]