[@phobos] After looking around, he could a few that seemed strong and capable; mostly the two that had recently arrived and hoped they weren't the cause of that shouting. He could only imagine how dangerous they could be if they had a short temper and with his clumsiness then it was very likely end with him being beaten up. They didn't have to wait long for the captain to finally arrived, though by a glance, anyone could see that the man was quite irritable, his face saying that the guy didn't want to be here or to deal with any of this. He had a hand in that and felt it best to try and not agitate the man any further; the captain calling for those who had shikai forward snapped him from his worrying thoughts.*[color=662d91]Oh no..he's not gonna make those with shikai fight each other is he?[/color]*His eyes widen at the thought and tentatively stepped forward to see the two recent arrivals had done so as well.*[color=662d91]fuck! It had to be those two...please please don't let it be a spar with zanpakuto.[/color]*these words repeated in his head as he kept his head down, waiting to see what the captain would have them do.