Hey there. How's it going? First, I would like to tell you a bit about myself. I'm Dylan; I'm nineteen years old, a full-time student studying marketing, and I hold a strong passion for the written word. I am inclined to say that I write at an advanced level, and I usually post anywhere from two paragraphs to several pages depending on what I am given to work with. I am a strong believer in quality over quantity, and do not expect anyone to dish out gigantic responses if they feel as though they cannot do so. As long as you are detailed, and your post is well thought out, I'll hold nothing against you. I tend to play male characters (because I am one) but I am completely capable of playing a female character as well. My most notable characteristic in regards to my life would be that I am legally blind, so if you have any questions about that, I'll be happy to answer them. But enough about myself, allow me to describe some of my expectations. I'm looking for someone who is patient above all else. My schedule can be extremely unpredictable at times, and it might be hard to tell if i'm still around. However, I will let you know immediately if I do not wish to continue a story. If you can deal with an unusual and non-uniform posting schedule, you're already prepared to roleplay with me. As a result of my schedule, I ask that if I choose to RP with you that we establish an alternative method of communication other than using the guild's PM feature. Whether it's skype, Facebook, or something else entirely, I just prefer having a way to get in touch whenever we want to discuss the RP. Aside from that, I'm just looking for someone that's passionate. If you can write a quality group of paragraphs with few spelling mistakes and gramatical errors, and genuinely put your emotion into the words you write, we will get along just fine. Please be able to write at the advanced level, because that is the level which I am most comfortable roleplaying at. Aside from that... Just try to have fun. :D Now, onto the good stuff. My thoughts are all over the place most of the time, so please excuse the apparent lack of organization to the following list. [hider= Interests ] -Medieval Fantasy anything. Whether there's magic or not, I'll be all over it. Nobles, assassins, knights, dragons, adventure and riches are great features to any roleplay. -Supernatural RPs tend to be fun as well, if a bit overdone. If there are superpowers involved, I'll probably be interested. Magic, werewolves, vampires, angels, demons. I'm game for all of it in most time periods. -I love comic books, and am a particular fanatic for Marvel. I won't play any cannon characters, but the universe tends to be extremely interesting to play around with. -Anime such as Naruto Shippuden, Bleach, and Neon Genesis: Evangellion are my life blood. If you give me a plot that is based in any of those three universes, it will automatically grab my attention. I enjoy other anime as well, so if you are interested in basing a plot in an anime universe, feel free to put the offer out there. However, I do not enjoy featuring canon characters in roleplays. I don't really feel like I can give canon characters the justice they deserve. -I might be blind, but I still love video games. (And still play fighting games, but that is another story entirely. ) Whether it's Halo, Gears of War, Mortal Kombat, Soul Calibur, Diablo, or the Elder Scrolls, I love it. But trust me when I say I love a large variety of games, so feel free to throw an offer at me if you're so inclined. -As long as it's hetero (sorry boys) I always enjoy a touch of romance in all of my writings. I don't like plots which revolve around romance, nor do I like "love at first sight", things have to build up to the right level for love to occur. I hold no issue with 18+ writing (smut) but it has to be tasteful and done over PM. Again, I don't like erotica RPs or love-centered stories. I just like it to add flavor to an already great story. -And much, much more. If you have an idea (even if it's rough and undeveloped) pitch it to me, and I'll let you know if i'm intrigued or not. 9 times out of 10 I will be. [/hider] [hider= Plots & Pairings] NOTE: I have a preference for a female roleplaying partner for all of these ideas, but it is not 100% necesary unless specifically noted. [hider= 1 ] -Title: What lies beneath Pairing: Thief/Vigilante x Bounty Hunter/Assassin Genre(s): Medieval, Fantasy, Suspense, possible Supernatural Summary: A guild of thieves have been prowling the streets of the city-state of Tribute, stealing from the nobility and causing general havoc among the preeminant families within the city's walls. Guards are being threatened, injured, and killed; wealthy noblemen have been found stabbed to death in alleyways, and those without the ability to protect themselves are growing steadily more restless as the days go by. The royalty has been attempting to bring the leader of the guild to justice, but has been unsuccessful thus far. The prime suspect is an entity who has been dubbed as the Ivory Shade. The man/woman has been sighted by multiple citizens nearby scenes of the formentioned incidentss, and those who have stepped forward to report the sightings describe the entity as, "Dangerous and terrifying." However, not all of the reports have been negative. While most hold a healthy amount of fear for the Ivory Shade, a select few citizens defend him with an almost religious zeal. They claim the entity was solely responsible for saving their possessions, and even their lives. After a lengthy debate, the monarch of Tribute, King Areus Dechatalon sent messengers far and wide seeking a bounty hunter talented and capable enough to apprehend the Ivory Shade and bring him/her to justice. In the wake of the news, chaos has begun to overtake the city-state. The incidents are still piling up, and The Ivory Shade is nowhere to be seen. Will the bounty hunter bring the shade to justice? Or is there a deeper meaning behind this entity's actions? (I have more plot for this.) [/hider] [hider=2] Title: For the Greater Good Pairing: monster hunter x monster hunter Genre(s): Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Supernatural, Intrigue Summary: The Commonwealth is a secretive organization devoted solely to the capture, study, relocation, or execution of supernatural entities which hold the intent to bring harm to humanity. They have successfully kept the supernatural out of the public eye for as long as it can be remembered, and continue to do so to this day. Agents within the organization are given injections of a special concoction which unlock latent potential within their bodies, giving them abilities which defy imagination. Some create fire, others can project themselves onto the astral plane and see the unseen. It all depends on the subject who recieves the injection. But if one thing is known for sure, it is that there are indeed dangerous creatures which go bump in the night. Enter Maximillian Parkes; child prodigy monster hunter extraordinaire. He's been involved in the organization from the moment he was able to walk and talk, and it is all a result of his mother and father both working within the Commonwealth themselves. He lives, breathes, and thrives on monster hunting, and as a result of this he has come extremely far in his stay as a special agent within the organization. However, he finds it impossible to work with others. He is only sent on one-agent operations of the most dangerous caliber, and unfortunately for Max, it is all about to change. The Commonwealth's leadership feels as though his ihnability to cooperate with team members is a critical weakness, and has taken measures to ensure that Max is placed in a two-person team in order to improve his interpersonal skills and knock his ego down a peg or six. His opposite is a prodigy within their own right; an excellent agent with skill rivaling his own. Will they form the most dangerous group of individuals in The Commonwealth's history? Or will they bring the organization to it's knees by refusing to work in tandum? (I have more plot in mind for this. ) [/hider] [hider=3] Title: Upon the Precipis Pairing: Warrior Guide x Princess Genre(s): Medieval, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Supernatural, Intrigue (This one is longer because I just couldn't stop writing the summary for it. It's a highly developed idea and I have a lot of information to share about it. ) Summary: Where there was once a great era of prosperity and peace among the denizens of Trinity, a great tension has begun to blossom and envelop the peaceful world in it's vice-like grasp. the two great military powers Saraphinia and Vyktaria are on the brink of open warfare, the silent desert nation of Wyfall has forbidden the passage of outsiders through their treacherous domain, and the peaceful empire of Loryland has recently been overtaken by a spree of piracy and fierce competition which has threatened their intellectual and economic supremacy. As a result of this, the monarch of Loryland, King Richard of the Burning Blade has been troubled by nightmares in recent weeks; images of demonic entities cutting down the innocent and burning Trinity before humanity's helpless gaze. Feeling as though these dreams were an ominous foretelling of the future to come, King Richard sent an emmisary to the other leaders of the great human nations calling for a summit to negotiate the problems at hand. None but Wyfall responded. Prince Darrius Silverstar of Wyfall sent Wyfall's champion as an emmisary to Loryland, feeling as though a letter would accomplish nothing but the waste of time. The man was told only to maintain constant contact with Wyfall, and to do whatever King Richard required of him. But there was a catch; he was not to reveal his identity as Wyfall's champion, lest Richard arranged his capture in order to coax Wyfall's leadership out of their hiding place. Keeping this in mind, he made haste to Loryland's capital city of Seajewel with high hopes that his participation could make a difference in the coming conflict. Upon his admittance to the city, he would come to find that fate held a unique plan in mind for him and his future companion. He spent his first evening in Seajewel at a fairly unreputable tavern. It was well known for brawls, watered-down alcohol, and loose women ready to find their next conquest, but the champion was not in search of women or wine at this hour; he lusted after the savory flesh of information. He began to ask questions he should not have. Questions of Loryland's troubles with piracy, and questions of whether or not they felt threatened by their rival economic power, Moonfall. One irritated response led to another, and before the champion knew it he had mixed himself up in a brawl beyond what most would consider friendly or safe. A flurry of fists, an exchange of steel, and several broken tankards later, he was being carried in chains to the palace by Loryland's elite police force to undergo interrogation. He refused to answer even a single one of their questions, and before too much time had passed him by, he found himself before King Richard himself. For the monarch, it was easy to identify the man as Wyfallin. From the superior craftsmanship of his weaponry, the design of his clothing, the careful cadence of his speech patterns, all of it was obvious and easily identifiable, and it was clear that the man was skilled. He realized a formal interrogation would not give him any strategic advantage, and made a gut decision that potentially could change the face of Trinity itself. He inferred that no Wyfallin would willingly leave the desert on a simple journey of pleasure and relaxation, especially considering the troubling times at hand. They were a secretive, serious, and deeply loyal group of people who would rather hide in the sand than face any sort of social interaction with outsiders. Richard's heart told him that this Wyfallin was important; too important to allow the man to slip out of his grasp. Richard took the man out of his bindings and escorted him to his own personal chambers in order to maintain privacy, and presented the champion with an offer he could not refuse. Escort his daughter as a diplomatic emmisary to Wyfall, or be executed by Richard of the Burning Blade before a crowd of his loyal subjects. With this threat hanging over his head, the champion could do nothing but accept. Will the princess and champion be able to bring peace to the feuding empires? Or will they thrust Trinity into an unending war and force Richard's nightmares to become reality? [/hider] [/hider] Wow, talk about a lot of text. Kind of exhausting on the eyes. (I think.) If you're interested in roleplaying with me, feel free to post here. But if you want to hear back from me quickly, please PM me; i'll notice that before I notice a post on the thread. I'm kind of forgetful like that at times. Thank you all for your generous contribution of time and strain on the eyes for reading all of this, I appreciate it even if you aren't interested. Have a wonderful day, and a wonderful life.