[@Mortalbean] The Thinker would be suitable NPC, though I don't imagine he would get much attention based on his location. Unless you have special plans for him, I wouldn't go to the trouble of making a sheet, maybe just mentioning him in another character's backstory. As for your other question, a worker's bodily material remains the same when it becomes a Traveler, but a Traveler may also manifest armor that can be of different material. Depending on the style of armor, it can appear that a Traveler is made of it, rather than their original material. For instance, two of the Journeymen who currently rule Monolith are Elvilika and Udo Koro Kai. The former has dark granite body and light, off-white archer's armor, while her companion Kai has a beige body of clay armored in white brigandine armor. You may notice at this point that my primary inspiration for Monolith and the golems is Bionicle. [@reddy] A very nice character! Would you make her your primary PC, or someone we encounter (perhaps as a source of information or influence) in Ebb? Also, for posterity's sake, you might want to look over the bio for typos. [@Lord Santa] So pleased to have you with us! Here are the answers you seek: a magician can theoretically use infinite types of magic, but having multiple makes them all weaker. Similarly, a college student can dual-major in engineering and art, but probably won't be as good at art as would someone who focused solely on art. Spells themselves can combine two affinities, but in doing so they meld. For instance, a single spell can't use rock and fire; it will use lava. Magic can be pretty flexible. If I were you, there could be two solutions for your gun that gets stronger when its owner is richer: one, have it be a Charm, a magical artifact that is closer to primal magic and is more versatile. You've have to include in your backstory how he got it, since Charms aren't easy to come by. Perhaps a certain Traveler, a Spirit of Mechanica, created it several hundred years ago in cooperation with a sorcerer from the Old Coven. Alternatively, you could explore special Affinity combinations. Just like Praecantio plus Lux equals Astra (celestial magic), which is not a true Affinity but an amalgamation of two of them, you might put Metallum and Mentus together to get Lucrum—greed. It is well within the bounds of Greed magic to make something stronger if there's money involved. As for overarching plot, look [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/79758-protea-no-ordinary-interest-check-help-me/ooc?page=3#post-2596070]hither[/url] Keep the good stuff coming, people!