Naomi weighed the canteen lightly in her palms before replacing it in her bag. If they were to be here for a while, they would have to find water, quick. A clean source too, dirty water was as good as dirt. Sure, it was water, but it was also undrinkable, for obvious reasons. Maybe she had some water-purifying tablets left over. After all, they were a necessity in a world like this. Clean bottled water was at the top of the market, a price she definitely couldn't afford. Lucky the tablets were relatively cheap, and even if she didn't have them, she was sure she could remember a thing or two on how to manually purify water. Well, provided they had the right tools in the surrounding area, then that would definitely be an option. And speaking of water, was there any food? Ugh, yes, food. She felt like she hadn't eaten in days. It wasn't as much of an issue as water was, since there was probably some sort of creature they could slaughter and eat. As unpleasant as it sounded, it was probably the only choice thus far. And it was better than nothing at all. "The town...?" Naomi looked around them with a grimace, "It's more like "What town?" After the bomb went off, it must have taken down everything around us as well. It's a pretty small town too, so the bomb didn't have to be too powerful to just wreck the place." The town was growing, after all, and only consisted of perhaps a few inns and a shop or two. But the smaller it was, the less likely officials would be snooping around the area, which made the town a hot spot for criminal activity. Well, probably not anymore. She was pretty sure that whatever, or whoever, was once there was either long gone, or laying in the rubble. "There's probably a few towns in the next few miles and heard the explosions," she contemplated, "If anyone survived at all, whether from the town, or from one of our groups, they most likely went to one of those." Oh, bandages, right! Those were probably important, and she could use them for her own wound as well. After all, she was missing her bandanna already, it felt weird not having it tied around her neck. And hopefully it wasn't too bloody either, she wanted to wear it and not smell like shit. Good, there they were, right in the pocket she had left them in. "Well, yeah, you're right shade's important, especially in this heat. But once we manage to find some shelter, I'll treat your wound, alright?" Naomi fingered the roll of bandages, it was a new pack, as far as she could tell. Probably enough for both his wound and hers. She looked up at him and blinked curiously before hesitantly taking the weapon. "You sure about giving a stranger your weapon?" she asked, holding it by the barrel, "Actually don't answer that, I probably was the one making stupid decisions first." She would admit, when she had approached him it wasn't one of her finer moments, but in a desperate situation, what was a person to do? "But, uh... thanks for trusting me," she grinned, "It's kinda a first."