[@Oblivion666][@AbigailTenshi] (Read with warning bla bla) [Center][h3][b][color=f26522]Shinzo Harimaya[/color][/b][/h3][/center] Shinzo lsitened as Aya spoke...just because she was chose to lead the mission she thought she was stronger? Please...it took more than strength to be a leader. Shinzo then looked at Nairin as she spoke, finally revealing her name "[color=f26522]Nairin...got it. The name is Shinzo...[/color]" Shinzo then turned and watched as both of them took off, Shinzo following behind as they then reached the forest. Sure enough Aya like an excited child ran off to do her job...or what she thought was her job. Shinzo then went to look at Nairin who then took off also...both going in different directions. This made Shinzo sigh as he rubbed the back of his head with his right hand "[color=f26522]Guess it's up to me to keep an eye on the new girl...fucks sake...Now I've got to watch her ass and my own.[/color]" Shinzo followed after Nairin, arriving in time to see her finish off some hollow. She clearly had some talent but still...this was only the beginning. As Shinzo went to take a step closer to Nairin he noticed the presence of a hollow behind him "[color=f26522][i]Fuck! I let him get behind me!? You aint getting me like this you bastard![/i][/color]" Shinzo pivoted on his right foot so he faced the hollow who sent a fist towards him, Shinzo raised both his forearms up to block the incoming punch that sent him skidding back a little, Shinzo then grinned a little as his arms dropped to his side "[color=f26522]You call that a punch? Come now...you got a way bigger body than me and that's all you can manage!?[/color]" Shinzo then got into a stance that'd make it seem as if he was about to start running yet as he did he used shunpo to appear infront of the hollow, he then slammed his right palm into the hollows gut sending it flying back like a ragdoll as it flew through the air before hitting the ground and rolling across it "[color=f26522]That's how you fucking hit someone you piece of trash...[/color]" Shinzo then gripped the hilt of his Zanpakuto with his right hand as he turned once again, this time to see a hollow trying to eat him whole yet he just raised his Zanpakuto up and let the hollow bite it. The hilt pressed against the hollows top set of teeth and the end of the blade against the bottom row of teeth "[color=f26522]You look hungry...how about you get this down ya!?[/color]" Shinzo pointed his left palm into the hollows mouth as he then fired a blue torrent of energy that literally obliterated the hollows body "[color=f26522]You bastards really are everywhere...Well then...lets get a bit more serious.[/color]" Shinzo sheathed his Zanpakuto as he looked down at his sleeveless uniform...still in his crappy uniform...Shinzo then gripped his top as he quickly threw it off and jumped to the left, the top half off his uniform covering an attacking hollows face. Shinzo then unsheathed his Zanpakuto once again as he leaped into the air, his Zanpakuto held behind his head in both hands. Just as the hollow removed the top half of Shinzo's uniform he brought his blade down on it's neck, cutting it's head clean off as blood sprayed over him before he landed and looked over his left shoulder at the hollow disintegrating "[color=f26522]...tch!...weakling...[/color]" Shinzo then looked over to Nairin to see how she was doing and to see if she needed any back up. Not that he expected her to need it...but still. Just in case Shinzo shouted some good words of encouragement "[color=f26522]Hey Nairin!...Keep up...no good challenging all the weak ones[/color]" Shinzo grinned slightly...clearly he was taking the piss out of her but if anything it was just to make this interesting...perhaps he could have a little competition with her to see who could kill the most hollows.