"Ah...I guess I did. Well, now you know the rest of it." He messed with the straps for a moment longer before muttering a few words and snapping his fingers. With the command used, the armor undid itself the rest of the way and fell around him to be pushed onto the floor. It was so much easier to deal with changing that way. [i]If only my other clothes were that easy to switch.[/i] Reaching under the pillow on the bed, he grabbed an undershirt with an open back and some comfortable trousers that he had left there in case of similar situations requiring returning to the room in the middle of the day to rest. It seemed to happen maybe a little too often lately... He shrugged at Wrenna's assessment, not so sure how to answer it. "Um...I guess not being dead helps somehow? I'm really too tired to do much else, honestly. This kind of thing tends to happen a lot, especially when I'm stressed...and that room is pretty awful. It almost feels like the cold there saps my energy sometimes..." Finally changed into the spare clothing, he turned around to see that the girl was no longer within sight. "Wrenna? Did you leave already?" Looking over at the door at the side of the room, his eyes widened as he realized what had probably just happened. "Wr-Wrenna! Not that door! It's not supposed to be--!" Moving to jump off the bed in a slight panic, he only really succeeded in falling right on the floor with a dull 'thump'. Groaning, he only hoped that he had remembered to close the box containing the portraits. He had made them based on some of the visions of her he had seen while scrying, but that wasn't exactly something she needed to see.