"Mao Lei? I've heard your name mentioned before." Erok smiled with some relief. "You ran raids with the resistance in Ba Sing Se, didn't you? My name is Erok, I used to supply information to your friends a few years ago. During that time, I saw you when that wound was more fresh," Erok gestured to her eyepatch, "I didn't expect you of all people to come looking for me. And you're right, it has a lot to do with Lotus." Erok turned away briefly, scanning the horizon quickly. "And while I'd like to get to the Ember isles myself, I need to wait for a message. Once it arrives, we can leave. Otherwise--" Erok cut himself short just as a messenger hawk swooped down and landed on a low branch next to him. Quickly unfurling the scroll from the hawk's pouch, Erok gave the hawk some bread as a signal to return home. While the hawk took off without a sound, his face became grim and pale as he read the hastily written note. "What timing. This is it. Mao, if you are ready now, I can take you. I am needed at the isles to protect the Avatar. On the way, you can explain yourself more fully." Erok turned and swifly hopped down the bank onto the sandy beach, to the water. There, he moved his arms in fluid motions until a small boat made entirely of ice had materialized. Erok turned to Mao expectantly.