[quote=@Apollosarcher] [@Hexaflexagon] I'll go back and add more detail but explain a few of your concerns. - He is calm and collected however his ego can often cloud his decision making and lead to an emotional situation. If he gets emotional then he tends to fall back on anger and vengeance rather than his training. A coin trying to decide between to sides. - He wants vengeance for his parents but he also wants to carry on the order. The conflict comes between personal vendetta's and hope for the reformation of the Order. - Not all who wear Mandalorian armor are true Mandalorians, I just assumed it was a bounty hunter thinking it would make the Jedi back down. A real Mando could easily take him. The point of Gin was to make a character whose Grey but will one day have to make a choice. I'll add in more detail about his training but it was formal training as his Master wanted to see the Order restored and felt that all teachings should be passed on. [/quote] Hmm alright that's fair. You are good then thanks for the cooperation.