Alysa reached up just stopping before she touched him a worried look on her face. "If there was something I could do for that wing of yours." She said wondering if there was something she could do. Like take the life from his wing if it was causing him trouble. She didn't want him to keep hurting himself like this if this was the cost of his help. She didn't want someone she considered a friend hurt. She blinks a bit not really all that surprised. He had been the only one to really want her around even knowing her mother and seeing what Saule could do. "If that tie to the life that Alucard now has thanks to the dear Princess' touch, it just might spread if not taken away and will also largely limit his teleportation abilities. For the shadows will no longer want to serve someone with Light in his veins." Hades said to Alpha theorizing of course for he didn't know what happened when something dead got life into its veins never having seen or been around a goddess or even a demigoddess that could literally cause things to live.