"What ever you come up with would have to be a temporary solution." Wrenna told him before he started to explain what the guards were up to. "...You...You mean I could have brought an army with me!?" wrenna exclaimed, "Dad said I had to do it alone! UGH!" Wrenna put her hands over her face and took a deep breath. "Okay I guess I'm glad I didn't bring an army since I could sneak in here so easily, no one had to die so I could get to you and find out I can't kill you." Wrenna stoped when she heard Soreth's stomach growl. All this sneaking, fighting, and getting angry over things which she had control of and things she didn't have control of had actaually made Wrenna pretty hungry. It could be posioned but Wrenna didn't care to much at this point. "...Do demons actually eat things Humans can eat?" She asked him.