[quote=@bluemoon277] [color=9e0039][u][b][h3]Jessie[/h3][/b][/u][/color] Jessie bumped into someone as she followed after Kate. Turning around to see who she found she realized it was Aaron. [color=9e0039]"Oh hey C'mon"[/color] Jessie said grabbing his hand and running him through the crowd towards kate. Once she got the information she then headed over to the dorms. Jessie was a rather fast runner. She hoped Aaron could keep up because she wasn't gonna go looking for him after they found Cinderella. Jessie headed up the stairs, then into the hallway. She let go of Aaron's. now that they were at their destination Aaron wouldn't be lost again. [color=9e0039]"Look for an open door"[/color] Jessie told him walking down the corridor. [/quote] [color=fff200][u][b]Aaron[/b][/u][/color] [color=fff200][b]"Hey what's u-"[/b][/color], Aaron didn't get to finish his sentence before Jess grabbed his hand and lead him through the party and to the dorms. [color=fff200][i]"IS SHE SERIOUSLY DOING THIS?!"[/i][/color], he thought but the idea was quickly put down once he heard Kate giving some directions and Jess relaying it to him. [color=fff200][b]"Why are we doing this again?"[/b][/color], he asked as he ran by the doors looking for one that wasn't closed. He didn't notice it at first but he actually ran past the door they were searching for and quickly made a double take towards the mystery door. [color=fff200][b]"Hey I think I found it!"[/b][/color], he said as he thought [color=fff200][i]"Whatever IT is"[/i][/color]. [color=8dc73f][u][b]Kathryn[/b][/u][/color] [color=8dc73f][b]"Hey wait up!"[/b][/color], Kate called as she ran after Jess and Aaron. The two didn't bother to wait for her so she simply went off to check the doors they hadn't reached yet. She had an idea of where it was thanks to the foliage but the number of the room was unknown. It took a moment before she found the room but that was only because she was focused on the doors and not Aaron who she was blindly running towards. The two clashed and fell to the ground with a thud leaving both of them feeling some form of pain somewhere. [color=fff200][b]"Damn Kat watch where you're going!"[/b][/color], Aaron groaned as he rubbed his shoulder which had the displeasure of falling on. Kate who had hit her head into Aaron's was on the ground trying to get herself together as she replied, [color=8dc73f][b]"You seriously couldn't hear me running towards you?!"[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b]"You're an-"[/b][/color], he stopped himself before the word "Elf" came out. Remembering where he was he whispered the rest of his sentence, [color=fff200][b]"You're an elf! Aren't you all light on your feet or something"[/b][/color] [color=8dc73f][b]"Really? Elf stereotypes? C'mon let's get inside"[/b][/color]