[hider=Lapizus Gegani] Name: Lapizus Gegani Sex: Male Age: 740 Race: Golem Affinity: Terra [b]Personality:[/b] Lapizus possesses patience without bounds, no longer needing to worry about the fragility of flesh he takes his unending life slowly, walking and even talking just as carefully and deliberately as an artisan might ply his craft. Needless to say Lapizus is often polarizing to those he meets, although generally sociable he does far more listening than talking and is comfortable with long periods of silence. Those who wish to probe him about his intellectual pursuits will find themselves frustrated by his unwillingness to change his mind. [b]Fighting Style:[/b]Lapizus prefers to fight by using his magic to enhance the toughness his already formidable body and simply pummeling his opponent to death without regard for tactics or strategy. As a traveler Lapizus can simply fight until his opponents are exhausted, or no longer able to dodge his massive, slow moving blows. [b]Bio:[/b] In his first life Lapizus was a simple laborer. Even in life had he been asked under what flag he labored or for who he worked the answer would have come only after a long pause. Lapizus lived under a dynasty which is now long dead, absorbed by a kingdom which was in turn subsumed into the Arcadian Commune in a war centuries ago. Even by bearing the name "Gegani" Lapizus stands as a monument of living stone to an age nearly forgotten. Lapizus's living life was fairly typical. He farmed his land as his father had before him, and as his father had done in turn. Lapizus got married and had a normal family with many children. Lapizus still remembers the day he died, surrounded by the warmth of the unyielding love of family. Little did he know it would be the last warmth he could ever feel. Salvation gifted Lapizus with his unfeeling yet strong stone body. Even after his first life Lapizus was still fated to continue his labors. Along with his new hands Lapizus adopted a new craft. Before he had raised life from the earth and now he carved life from stone. Many of his old labors can still be found throughout Monolith, adorning the walls with their tales of lives lived long ago. Upon transcendence Lapizus's first thoughts were of his children and his bloodline. Despite his search nothing ever came up and he resigned himself to wandering the world, for the first time in his existence he had the freedom to do as he pleased yet no one to share such freedom with. Eventually Lapizus found his new calling, to simply observe the world and find the beauty in it. [b]Appearance:[/b][img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/142/1/b/1beb22b83a825224be246c0475e7f4a9-d3gz1p3.jpg[/img] (without swords) Lapizus was a large man and a similarly large traveler. His 8' tall broad body made of blue pearl granite is distinctly the body of a golem. Lacking curves and other life-like features none could fail to instantly define him as a true blue golem. [/hider] (I'll be editing the other character into this post, I'm tired right now and have generally had a shitty day so this will be all for now. Feel free to leave feedback about Lapizus thought, he doesn't add much to lore so if I change anything I'll probably add more world building stuff to him.)