The hairs on the back of D'Angelos neck stood on end when Jahar compared him to a common assassin. HIM, the second in command of the Veiled-Ones, someone that had earned his current position. D'Angelo seethed. Dark blue eyes flashed with the fury of an ocean storm, and the words caused him to abandon his stance and stand straight, long sword tip left to rest on the ground at his feet. He swirled his tongue between his lip and his teeth as if removing a bad taste. "Assassin?" "You think the Veiled-Ones are... assassins?" D'Angelo paused mid-speech to add emphasis. His question was clearly rhetorical and he left no room for answer as he continued to speak, his tone low and simple, as if explaining something to a child. "Clearly, that was your first mistake. Oh Black-Vined one." He said with a mock half-bow. "However, if it is the matter of payment.." He reached into a smaller pouch that was near his back, pulled out a handful of coins, clearly not enough to cover even a small percentage of what the Veiled-Ones would have charged for a task. He spit into his palm, on to the coins, and tossed them at Jahars feet. "We are not some dogs that you can merely command and point at a target. That is...that is..." He paused and raised an eyebrow. "...that is more your style, is it not? Point, and send the dog to go slaughter the target?" He nodded to himself, watching as Jahar pulled out a wicked looking claw, it came from the same bag that D'Angelo had seen necromantic magic emanating from. He would need to be weary of that. He pulled his short sword, Tooth, from its resting place at his side. It was clear to anyone that had seen a weapon before that this short sword was not crafted, no. This was literally a large tooth from some ancient carnivorous creature, the which of likes Nicoli had never been able to figure out. But, its properties were extremely useful. While D'Angel had unsheathed his weapon he mentally gave Kardia a command, switching its metal properties from the dark steel it had been to the equally dark adamantine. The only visible difference would be the lack of that minimum 'shine' quality that the sword had before, now it was simply a flat black. The sword was comparable in weight to what it had been, but now it was much, much harder and much sharper. While D'Angelo wasn't sure how it would fair against other enchanted items, he could and had stabbed right through un-enchanted shield and plate armor before, however, that was also while employing the Radiim technique. He held both weapons out to his side for a moment, then stepped in the long sword in his right hand slashing across from right to left. His short sword stayed back and low, ready to be used defensively should the need arise. Regardless of what happened next D'Angelo decided that the 'time' for a traditional sword fight had passed, he would do what he had to kill this man, this individual who was even below assassins as far as he was concerned.