[Center] [h1] HELLO EVERYONE! [/h1] Welcome to my interest check. I am not quite sure what all I have to put here. This is my first interest check and I have just joined this Role-playing community. Let's get started, so to introduce myself, you can call me Izzy. I love to role-play, but I am rusty as I haven't role-played in well over a year, maybe two. I'd love to get back into it as it was fun for me to come up with characters and a story. I must have Romance in my role-plays and I love to role-play Females as I am better at playing them, than Males. But I will double up if needed. Romance is a MUST in my role-plays. And you have to be willing to play male. What you will get from me- [list] [*] I will try and reply every other day. [*] I will do my best to give you 2-3 paragraphs per post. [*] I will try and spice things up by randomly adding something unexpectingly. [*] I have spell check on my computer. [*] I will tell you if I have to leave or if I won't reply for a while. [*] I will try and spice things up a bit if needed. [/list] What I expect from you [list] [*] Be willing to play male. Or double as a male and female, Male being your main role. [*] To be able to reply every other day, a week is the latest I'll accept without a warning. Otherwise I have to drop the role-play. [*] I expect you to tell me if the role-play is getting dull and we need to change it up a bit. [*] Be able to jump in and do something not expected without telling me. I don't want to know everything that is going to happen, I want to be realistic as possible when replying and with my characters reactions. [*] Please be able to reply with AT LEAST 2 paragraphs per post. I understand writers block, and if you give me two posts with a paragraph I'm either going to ask you to re write your last one, or to reply when you can write more than one paragraph. [*] One liners are NOT AN EXCEPTION. I will not accept it at all. [/list] Here are some plots! [hider=vampire] My girl can be the new comer pretty much, she gets attacked and left for dead at night in the middle of an alleyway, your guy, who is a vampire already sees she is still alive, and sees that she has lost a ton of blood. In result he takes her back to the vampire mansion and tried to take care of her. In result ending up falling for her. (Later down the road) And then the others in the house, are not very happy with the newcomer. [/hider] [hider=Realism] It'd be about this guy and girl who IM each other, they found each other on the internet and talk to each other a lot through IM. They met earlier that summer and now today is the first day of school. My girl is a new girl at school, your guy is the popular guy who also bullies other kids. Your guy bullies my girl all the time. Little do they know, the very person they talk to on IM is the very person they despise at school. Your guy is also different when online than he is when he is at school. [/hider] I guess that is all for now. Oh! The genre's. [hider=What I like to role-play] [list] [*] High-school role plays [*] Boarding school role-plays [*] Modern day role-plays [*] Vampire role-plays [*] Warewolf role-plays [*] Fantasy role-plays [/list] I'm not sure what else to put here. If it's not on the list please feel free to ask about it as I might not have thought about it. [/hider] [/center]