[@bluemoon277] [@Destinyfailhorror17] [@TheDarkTemplar] Edward suddenly woke up with a jump and bashed his face into Winni's (yes, their lips met but Edward didn't notice so it is going in parentheses), "Ahhh, oww, wha... what's going on." Edward looked up and saw a multitude of people in his room or by the door. He looked first at Winni, then the red-headed girl, then the distressed Penn, then to two people standing at the door bickering. He heard Penn call out for candy and remembered that Penn had some of his own that he kept in his bag. Edward got up quickly and walked towards Penn's bag and opened it up, "Before I question further about all the people, I think Penn wants this watermelon stuff I saw him eat once." Edward searches for the candy, finds the bag, and tosses it towards Jessie, "I think he uses it as an anxiety relief or something, the kid is deathly shy."