It was just like any other unremarkable evening in the Jedi Temple. Master Aldeo Sabalya was walking with his Padawan through the upper levels of the epic structure talking about the future, how odd it would feel when they finally parted ways, and what path young Erin Corona was going to take... "I'm very proud of your accomplishments, Erin. If only you put as much time into study and meditation as you did your training with a lightsaber, you'd be well on your way." The old man said happily, resting a hand on the girl's shoulder, "But one thing at a time, I suppose. Now that we're not fighting a war, you can use the facilities here as much as you'd like. Calm yourself gradually, and grow accustomed to other focuses. Connecting with the Force should be a priority of yours while this peace lasts." "I'll just do my best, Master. Like always." Erin replied in a coldly calm manner, not even sparing a glance at him. That earned a confused look from Aldeo, who noticed his Padawan's unusual behavior. She wasn't normally such a quiet person, so it was strange to witness. Something was definitely wrong... And then he felt it. Pain, like somebody had just bypassed flesh and bone, striking his soul directly. He fell to one knee, noting in the corner of his eye that Erin was spaced out, but she was wincing painfully. "Master!" she cried as she wrapped an arm around her Master and started helping him back to his feet. Soon, blaster fire began to erupt on the lower levels. An attack? This was Coruscant! The CIS were more or less defeated by now, how could they strike into the heart of the Republic like this? Master Sabalya struggled over to the edge of the walkway, and was then stunned. Clones, and one cloaked figure with a Lightsaber were tearing through everybody in their path. Those blue markings were of the 501st Legion, one of the most renowned units of the war. [I]Why? ...For what reason do they march on us?[/I] ...They had been betrayed. Erin was much in the same daze as her Master was, this was by no means friendly fire - this was extermination. "Erin, we have to go. I'll gather as many Jedi as I can, meet me at the hangar bay if it's still under our control. If not, then we must escape by any means necessary." Erin simply nodded to his command. But before either of the two could move, a large blast of energy blew the walkway in half. Padawan Corona was launched away from the collapse and into a wall, thankfully still on the higher floors, where she was knocked unconscious. Master Sabalya was less lucky, going down with the walkway and landing in the pile of rubble on the base floor of the Jedi Temple. There were clones everywhere down here, and that rogue Jedi was still around. Avoiding confrontation wasn't going to happen - the Clones were already closing in and surrounding the area. He ignited his two green Lightsabers and prepared to defend himself. "Ma..ster.." Erin mouthed in her forced sleep, seeing the event playing out in her mind. They surrounded him, and though he deflected many of the blaster bolts back at his assailants, the mass of gunfire eventually broke through. Even after he was dead, they didn't stop firing. They made sure he was finished before reloading their weapons and moving on. Even though she was unconscious, tears streamed down Erin's cheeks. She would die here, too. Hope didn't register anymore...