[hider=The First Council: Making Farms] 7 aged men, each a respected mentor and father to the families of the original 7, gather in the primitive yet cozy long house acting as the defacto village center. Introductions are made, gossip and small talk are exchanged, and again Elder Lime and Peach debate in which the seed or the tree came first. As the pleasantries died down Elder Wheat came forward, "Gentlemen welcome to the first... Small Council?" He looks around for confirmation, of which is responded with multiple nods. "Small Council Meeting. Our people have finally settled in this new land, to each a home and hearth. That said our stores are running thin and it is about time to put our ancestral knowledge to use. It is time to till the earth and plow our seeds into Mother Earth, " this elicits a few chuckles and an abundance of groans and face palms, but otherwise the idea is unanimously agreed upon. [/hider] "[color=f9ad81]A[/color] great idea! Improvement of our food source is essential Elder Wheat!" Elder Rye proclaimed. "Uh... Yeah. Thank you Rye, but I think we were all present. W...why'd you summarize that?" Elder Wheat knew Rye meant well but of the 7, let's just say... He was a bit past his prime ripeness.