[quote=@Trinais] Can I ask if you have a dedicated NPC villain to advance the plot, or will you be using players writing hunters for that purpose? [/quote] I'd love to have players play antagonists, but I won't rely on that alone. I have a couple ideas for where villains and/or plot twists can step in. I may see if a couple players want to be involved in the advancement, but otherwise NPCing is no problem. I've basically roleplayed by myself with NPCs in a larger roleplay, so I figure I can do it easily enough here as needed. Besides hunters, there are other packs, and perhaps a couple werewolf related issues that can be drawn upon. Edit: I've been in a lot of roleplays that die rapidly because of a lack of plot twists, so I really don't want that to happen here. Ideas from other players will be very welcome on top of my own.