[colour=khaki][h2]Ukatan City Louise[/h2][/colour] [@Flamelord] Louise’s internal struggle ended, the hands that had gripped the broom so tightly now relaxed, her expression calm and almost serene. She smiled, her eyes closed, the wind causing her clothes and hair to billow around her. The wind was blowing in the direction that she wanted to go, which would be useful for what she had in mind. [colour=gold]“Archer! We’re going to save that girl, I don’t care about her Servant!”[/colour] she said with conviction, locking her eyes on the scene before them. She began to cycle prana through the engravings on her broom, restoring the enchantment that would allow levitation. The symbols glowed in response, however unlike before this was no temporary glow, instead growing in intensity. The enchantments primed but not yet activated. [colour=gold]“I’m going to save her. I have a plan. But I need you to help me. I’ll understand if you want to refuse. But I'm willing to force the issue if I have to,”[/colour] she said, her eyes not leaving the scene taking place before her eyes. She didn't say it directly but it would be obvious to her Servant that she was referring to her commands seals. She didn't want to use them but in this situation she wouldn't hesitate. She needed Archer to know that. It was only fair. [colour=gold]“I'm going to fly as fast as I can, straight toward Akane. I need you to support me as best you can from afar. Do what you have to do. Remember, we’re not here to fight, retreat as soon as you can. We’ll rendezvous back in my dorm room…You can be angry at me later.”[/colour] Louise took a few steps back, pulled her goggles down over her eyes and took a few deep breaths before running toward the ledge, leaping out into empty space. She allowed herself to fall freely, building up speed as she approached terminal velocity. Just over halfway down she engaged the enchantments ‘repelled by the earth’ and ‘foot not making contact with the ground’. She then cycled as much of the prana that she could spare into providing forward propulsion. She knew that Archer could keep up, even at these speeds. She just hoped that he wouldn’t hate her for such a reckless course of action. She would understand if he did. As she pulled up to the horizontal she was going as fast as she possibly could. She was heading straight for Akane, more or less, veering slightly only to correct her trajectory. At the moment of ‘contact’ with Akane she would expand her enchantment magecrafts, ‘repelled by the earth’ and ‘foot not making contact with the ground’ to encompass Akane, making her light enough to carry. [colour=khaki][h2]Ukatan City Assassin[/h2][/colour] [@Gamerdude369] Assassin nodded in agreement. It was good that they were operating on the same wavelength, it would make it easier to predict her Master’s intentions ahead of time, allowing her more autonomy when it came to making decisions. Had they been of a different mind no doubt her master would have ‘tightened the reigns’ as it were. She returned his smile. [colour=violet]“But of course, I have to make it look convincing. But don’t worry, I'm very good at what I do. I can make it look bad without putting you in any real danger, provided that you trust me,”[/colour] she said in response to his insistence that she not go easy on him. She didn't tell him that the thought of holding back had never even crossed her mind. [colour=violet]“I have no immediate plans, I shall likely return to my room and wait until the morrow. Unless of course you need me during the night, in which case you shall first wine and dine me,”[/colour] she said in jest, smiling cheerfully as she did so. She got up from her sitting position and walked past her Master, laying a hand on his shoulder as she passed him by. She headed toward the exit, her hands clasped together on the base of her skull, a shopping bag dangling from her right hand. And in her right was a kitchen knife. She turned toward her Master and smiled in an innocent fashion. [colour=violet]“I’ll be watching your back, so don’t you worry Master. Nobody will be sticking a knife in there on my watch. See you at home!”[/colour] she called cheerfully over her shoulder as she disappeared into the hallway.