Though not everyone had yet arrived at the bastion (had he been too demanding of the young messenger?) Edward decided it was time. He raised his gauntleted hand in the air and proclaimed: "[i]Knights! If you´d follow me please.[/i]" As usual, Edward spoke with manner of kind words with a tone however that expected to be obeyed. As he turned to walk deeper into arcane bastion he hailed the guards at the outer door. "[i]If anyone on this list comes looking for me, or Lao wakes up, direct them into the war room, keep the doors open.[/i]" He handed an small rolled parchment to one of the guards and ventured onward. He and those following him entered firstly into the great hall and even further straight into an large atrium of sorts, this was the war room. It had no chairs to relax in for matters discussed here usually demanded full attention of participants. Its walls were laden with weapons of orders founders as well as trophies from vanquished foes. In the middle of the room was an huge map of known Sophitia carved beautifully from oak wood, it shimmered ever so slightly as it was enchanted to display information of varying types when it was needed to. Edward took his place on far side of map table looking over it at his assembled knights. "[i]Without further delay, we are riding to western Silvercliff, near Al Zidoan borders rises an mountain known as Sunfang. We are to perform an assault, of sorts, on that very mountain.[/i]" He let his words sink in for a while, as it was known that fighting monsters on their home territory was extremely dangerous. "[i]As most of you have probably suspected, there is more to this one than mere monster hunting, so Ill let the man who requested this operation tell you the rest.[/i]" With an flash of heat and swirl of sand, Hastuk the unseen appeared next to Edward, overlooking the map table. "[i]Greetings and Sands blessings knights, you have been chosen and summoned here by your grand master to partake in operation that will prove vital to survival of Sophitia. As those of you with eyes to the world know, Silvercliff and Al Zidoa are commencing negotiations for an military alliance in few weeks time consummated with an royal wedding. This alliance however has been in planning for much longer in fact, two years to be precise. Two years ago when I was tasked by an certain man within the sultanate to slaughter the whole of Silvercliffs peace convoy, as I felt this was against the will of Sand I refused. He must have suspected that be my answer from the start. As I turned to leave the palace I was assailed by another clan of assassins, Viper clan, misguided group of fools who think they know the will of Sand better than us at the Silent Scorpion clan. However misguided they are, their martial and arcane prowess is deadly, driven with fanatical purpose. After teaching them a thing or two in Al Zidoan swordsmanship I was forced to retreat, wounded, to Silvercliff. From then on I have kept my eye on the movement of Viper clan, as elusive as they are I have found an lead. They have an outpost on the Sunfang mountain from where they can quickly send operatives into both nations as needed.[/i]" Here Edward paused Hastuk, believing he had made his point. "[i]With new attempt at negotiations we have every cause to believe that these vermin are planning something to spark an all out war between two great nations, we have to take initiative here, if civilizations of Sophitia start duking it out between themselves, we could all fall prey to ravages of monsters. We shall ride within few hours time to Sunfang, locate Vipers stronghold and raze it to the ground![/i]" Hastuk replied. "AFTER we find out what exactly Viper is planning next. So, questions anyone?"