[hider=Matt Arnolds][center][img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lpc9vbk4LL1qlx9v2.gif[/img] [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8x1bsX6nN1re10rzo1_500.gif[/img] [img]http://data3.whicdn.com/images/73016012/original.gif[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Matthew 'Matt' Arnolds [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] He's about 5 feet and 6 inches tall, and weighs almost 50kg. Matt is lean and a bit small for his age. He has honey blonde hair and fair skin that accentuated his deep blue eyes. Dotted with freckles, his face is something that doesnt leave an impression, though not hard on the eyes. [b]Equipment:[/b] Just his phone which is always connected to the internet. [b]Ability:[/b] Technopathy (Mental) [b]Abilities Strengths[/b]: Matt has the ability to control and alter data and digital information, allowing him to do various things to or inside computers such as hacking, manipulating computer programs, and acquiring information about almost anything. He can pretty much gain access to any tech system in a certain radius around him, and is able to operate them remotely with his mind. With his ability, he can easily collect any information accessible through the internet (which is pretty much everything). He is also able to understand even the most complex computer systems quicker than an average human or even a computer genius, and executes them as if he'd created it himself. [b]Abilities Weaknesses[/b]: His power's influence is specifically based on computer systems and all the data in it only. Meaning his power is useless once the hardware that held these data and digital information are broken or destroyed. He has no power to move the physical aspect of techs, although he can make them do what he wants by reencoding their core programs to his liking and provided their hardware is still operational. Because he hasnt mastered his powers yet, he needs at least half an hour to almost a day to fully understand certain systems, and depending on its complexity, the longer time he needed for him to understand them. [b]Personal Skills:[/b] If there's anything he's good at, that would certainly has something do with computers and video games. Even before he got his powers, Matt is already a computer genius. He is good at mind games, and solving puzzles since he has a thing for looking at finer details. [b]Personal Weaknesses:[/b] Given that he has extraordinary memory skills, he's body, however, is weak. Matt easily tires and he cant do much strenuous work else his body would collapse. [b]History[/b]: Matt is born in a middle class family. He is the third of 4 children, and he has always been the oddball of the lot. His 2 eldest brothers are both playing for their school's football team and one almost made it to become the quarterback. While his brothers are busy with their sports career, Matt is constantly preoccupied tinkering away with his gadgets and playing video games in his room. He rarely goes out of his room, so he hasnt really able to establish good relationship with his elder brothers or his parents for that matter. The only one who he seem to find interest of interacting with inside their house is his 3 year old sister, who in return regards him with equal affection. When he discovered his powers, he decided to keep it for himself save from his little sister whom he constantly show it to (not that there's much to show, and that she can understand). Most people only thought of him as a huge computer nerd, and unaware of the full extent of power. Sometime during the first month since he discovered his powers, he decided to use it to make some money by making programs for businesses under a secret identity. Some paid him handsomely for his work, and he has saved quite a sum now. As he learns to use his power, he plans to work under bigger companies until he has enough money to start his own. [/hider]