Prophet had just finished talking with the Dead Orbit representative at the Tower and was starting to walk away when his Ghost materialized in front of him, making pinging sounds before alerting him of a transmission from the Speaker. [i][color=662d91]"Feed the transmission through to my helmet, Sparky. Aaand don't play it out loud, like last time, okay?"[/color][/i] Commanded Prophet as he held out his hand for Sparky, the Ghost, to hover over. Sparky moved over Prophet's hand, emitting a string of sad yet apologetic notes that sounded very much like some kind of music, and began to play the transmission through Prophet's helmet. Prophet stayed there for a good while, as he listened to the voice of the Speaker and watched the images of other Guardians appear on his helmet's HUD. Then, once the Speaker was through, he started heading for the meeting place. Sparky flew over Prophet's shoulder and beeped questioningly, to which Prophet simply nodded. Seeing the nod, Sparky buzzed happily and danced around Prophet's head for a moment before trans-matting away to wherever Ghosts go. Prophet let out a slight chuckle before continuing the rather short walk to the meeting place, and arrived to see the guardians whose pictures flashed across his HUD earlier. He eyed each one of them over, as if he was searching for something, with his helmet still on and masking his face.