[center][h1]The once and future King[/h1] [IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/142zhb8.jpg[/IMG][/center] [i]A long time ago, in the age of myth and legend, giants roamed the land. Mankind was weak and shattered and suffered under the tyrannical rule of the big folk. Hope was all but abandoned. So came the day when a child was born under certain stars to uncertain parents. The child heard the lamentation of his people and swore to avenge them. He traveled the world and learned many things, and when he returned he had acquired the power and knowledge to fight the cruel giant overlords. Mankind united behind him and went to war. When the dust settled the giants were undone, the last of them hiding in the mountains of Skaala. The man born to the certain stars was crowned king of all mankind and the realm prospered under his rule. As the years and kings and queens went by there was war and strife. The humans, once united, became divided once more and spread across the land. The elves and dwarves, readily defeated by the human kingdoms, retreated to their domains in the forests and mountains and isolated themselves from the world. And all the while the giants in Skaala lay in wait. It has been prophesized that the giants will one day return, and that their coming heralds the end of the world. When that time comes, a hero of certain stars and uncertain parents might once more arise. The hero is the once and future King and will unite mankind and save the world from destruction. If the hero doesn’t come, however, everything is lost and the world will fall into the abyss.[/i] [h3]- The story of the once and future King, as told in the triplet realms[/h3] [b]Welcome to the game![/b] Here you will take on the role of an adventurer in Aimsir, a land full of magic and wonders, who gets drawn into a quest to save the world from death and destruction. Your character can hail from any of the many kingdoms in Aimsir, and can come from any walk of life, as long as you can explain how and why he/she decided to leave his/her home behind and travel the world. To help you in your choice, the world in which this game takes place will be described below. [hr] [center][h2]Aimsir[/h2] [IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/rmk9vs.jpg[/IMG][/center] The land of Aimsir is a large and diverse place, about the same size as Australia. In the north and west the landscape is dominated by great forests and rolling hills. The summers are mild and short and the winters are harsh and long. It is similar to northern America in flora and fauna. The southern and eastern parts of Aimsir are considerable drier and warmer. The landscape is made out of grassy plains and dusty badlands. There is no real winter in these parts, only a few intense rain seasons. The flora and fauna is similar to that of central America. Dividing these two areas is a great mountain range that stretches from the south to the north. These mountains are known to be impassable, except for in a few places. [hr] [h2]Peoples of Aimsir[/h2] [hider=Meri] [center] [IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/34euicw.jpg[/IMG] [i]A Merish warrior[/i][/center] The Meri, or westerlings as they are sometimes called, are the people inhabiting the triplet realms of the west (hence the nickname). They are generally taller than the Iwi and shorter than the Taniwha. Meri have fair skin and hair, the hair color varying between blonde, brown or red. Usual eye colors are blue and green. According to the elves the Meri are not native to Aimsir, and came to the land from across the western sea in ancient times. There are no written sources among the Meri to confirm or deny this, as they developed writing long after the immigration ought to have taken place. Regardless of the truth, the Meri view the western lands as theirs. The Meri are an industrious people and are the most technologically advanced of the human peoples. They are able to shape steel, grow crops, construct structures of stone and build boats capable of travelling the ocean. They are very much like the Vikings in regards of technological advancement. The most important attributes in Meri culture is respect, loyalty and honor. People are expected to respect their peers, be loyal to their rulers and to bring honor to their families and people. Warriors, artisans, sailors and bards have high standing. Merchants, thieves and peasants have not. Although women and men are considered equal in Meri culture, they have traditional occupations. You wouldn’t see a female warrior or sailor, and male blacksmiths and bards are just as rare. The Meri are not a religious people, but they are superstitious. Stars, omens and signs are taken very seriously. Magic and those that wield it is viewed with respect and fear, but never aggression. [/hider] [hider=Iwi] [center][IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/1zzhm53.jpg[/IMG] [i]An Iwi scout[/i][/center] The Iwi are the horse-lords of the great plains of Whenua. They are the shortest of the human peoples, but still considerably taller than dwarves. Iwi skin is red brown and their hair is usually dark brown or black. Usual eye colors are blue and brown. The Iwi have the oldest human civilization in Aimsir, stretching back to the time before the Meri came to the land (according to the elves). Their way of life has been the same for many thousands of years. The Iwi are a nomadic people and have no permanent settlements. They follow the animal herds and live in sturdy portable tents. They live off of hunting, foraging and what their herds provide. They are also the only people in Aimsir to master horsemanship. They have never had the need to develop steel, architecture or agriculture. Balance is the keyword to understanding the Iwi. As a people they are obsessed with keeping even. Temper calm with aggression, weigh the needs of the one against the needs of the many, make sure you don’t take what cannot be restored. Iwi are often regarded as peaceful by other peoples, but none can match their ferocity in battle. Iwi make no difference between females and males. They are equal and can pursue any occupation they please. The Iwi are somewhat agnostic in their religious beliefs. They acknowledge that there might be something greater than them in the world, perhaps even a creator, but they have no word for it. Superstition has never interested them much. The Iwi view of magic is as agnostic as their religious beliefs. They acknowledge it exists but doesn’t make too much of it. [/hider] [hider=Taniwha] [center][IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/2i1l3wx.jpg[/IMG] [i]A Taniwhan barbarian[/i][/center] The Taniwha, considered bloodthirsty brutes by most other peoples in the land, hail from the dusty badlands of Koraha. They are the tallest of the humanoids in Aimsir, except for the giants. Taniwha have red brown skin, coal black hair and brown or yellow eyes. It is said that the Iwi and Taniwha were once one people that split in a time before recorded history, but there is little proof to support this theory and neither of the two peoples want to have anything to do with the other. The Taniwha view the rest of the humans as weak and consider themselves above them. Koraha has been their land for as long as anyone can remember, and there is no indication that things will change anytime soon. The Taniwha are an extremely warlike people. They are constantly raiding along the borders of other realms to steal supplies and slaves for themselves. What weapons and tools they have has been stolen from others. The only architecture they know is the principals of fortification and siege. The Taniwha concern themselves only with war, and rely completely on loot and slave labor for survival. Individual strength and accomplishment is everything to the Taniwha. They have a very outreaching philosophy and everything that cannot be conquered must be destroyed. There is no room for weakness, and sick or wounded individuals are killed or left to die on their own accord. Females are the rulers in Taniwhan society, the males forming the grunt force. Only females are allowed to choose partners for mating, and can have as many as they want. Males must prove themselves worthy and are maimed or executed if found with a female other than their mistress. Taniwhans believe in only one deity, death, and are fiercely religious. Human sacrifices are commonplace, and every battle fought is done so in the name of their dark god. Magic is viewed as a dangerous but potent source of power. [/hider] [hider=Elves] [center] [IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/atrnnt.png[/IMG] [i]An elven noble[/i][/center] The elves, or Daoine as they call themselves, are the mystical people living in the woodland realm of Mor Adhmad. They are about as tall as the Meri, but much more slender and graceful. Elves have pale, ivory skin, and blonde, silver or white hair. The only observed eye color among the elves is grey. Elves have much keener senses than humans, and can live for as long as a thousand years. The elves were, alongside the dwarves, the first people to develop a civilization in Aimsir. They have witnessed and recorded every event in the land from well before the age of myth. Before they were pushed back into the great forests by the ever expanding western human kingdoms they ruled the entire northern part of Aimsir. What little is known about the elves is that their wisdom and knowledge surpasses every other people in the known world. They are among the greatest sorcerers, having an almost natural affinity for magic. How they are able to create the things they do and live the way they live is a mystery to everyone else. No one has ever seen an elf kill an animal, or even snap a single twig on a tree. Still they have great cities in the forest, and appear to live in wealth beyond measure. The elven way of live is as mysterious as their society. Some have speculated that their long lifespan has left them with a perspective of time that differs completely from that of the other peoples. The elves are patient and calm, sometimes to a fault, and are often accused of being indecisive or passive. While the elves bow to no deity, their obsession with fate and prophecy is almost religious in its practice. Seers are treated with extreme seriousness, and the woodland people watch the world with unlimited curiosity. Magic is as natural to the elves as breathing. Most, if not all elves are capable of wielding or at least understanding it. [/hider] [hider=Dwarves] [center] [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/2wq5xdj.jpg[/IMG] [i]A dwarven smith[/i][/center] The dwarves, called Suku in their own tongue, are the stout defenders of the northern mountain range Suuri. They are the shortest of the humanoids in Aimsir, but are as tough and muscular as the Taniwha. Dwarven skin color differs from tanned to pale depending on whether they live above or below ground. Hair color varies from red and brown to black and usual eye colors are blue or grey. Dwarves live for about as long as humans but retain their youthful vigor for much longer. The dwarven civilization is ancient, about as old as the elven, and has changed much throughout the ages. Not much is known about the dwarves, as they keep to themselves and lock the world away with their great doors. According to the legends they are master artificers and no more about the principles of crafting and building than perhaps even the elves. They have enormous holds in the peaks and valleys of the mountains, and mines that stretch deeper than most dare to imagine. The cornerstone of dwarven thinking is endurance and logic. They are not an outreaching people, choosing self-sufficiency before outside dependence. In the dwarven world, everything has its place and function. Nothing is changed or discarded without serious and lengthy consideration. What is known about dwarven religion is that they worship some kind of creator, and sometimes the world itself. Dwarves keep well away from magic as they believe it to be alien to the world, and therefore harmful or disruptive. [/hider] [hider=Giants] [center] [IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/sd1ank.jpg[/IMG] [i]Giant Sentinels[/i][/center] The giants are the old enemy of the human race, living in the southern mountain range of Skaala. They are the tallest of the humanoids, twice the size of even the Taniwha, and are as thick and muscular as bears. They have grey, ashen skin and thick black hair. Their eyes are yellow. The longevity of the giants is unknown, but some giants are rumored to have lived for as long as five hundred years. According to legend the giants once roamed the land in great numbers, oppressing the human peoples under a tyrannical leadership. They were defeated by the once and future King in the time before recorded history and were banished to the mountains. Not much is known about the giants of Skaala, apart from their unmatched aggression and industriousness. There is not a single winter that goes by without the giants invading the kingdoms surrounding it, and they get bolder and stronger every time. It is not known what they live off in the harsh climate of the mountains, but it is said that they eat the flesh of the prisoners they bring with them after each campaign. The giants know how to fashion weapons from iron, and have shown signs of understanding siege warfare. The giant way of thinking is brutally simple. Dominate everything that is smaller than you. Kill everything that resists. The weak are meat, and the strong do eat. It is unclear if the giants at all concern themselves with religion or magic, but it is unlikely. [/hider] [hr] [h2]Realms of Aimsir[/h2] [hider=The Triplet Realms] The triplet realms are the three westernmost human kingdoms who according to legend were once united under the once and future King. Their nickname the “triplet realms” stems from the fact that they are quite alike in both history and culture and that they are mainly inhabited by the same people. [center] [IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/1g2tl.png[/IMG][/center] Issand is the northernmost kingdom of the triplet realms and borders on Mor Adhmad in the east and Kuningas in the south. The land was the second to be settled by the Meri and has existed in its current form for a few centuries. The terrain in Issand consists mainly of forests, meadows and coastal lowlands. The earth is filled with stones and rocks, and plants tend to be small and mean. Pines, birches and oaks are common kinds of trees in the eastern regions. There is a certain kind of mushroom native to Issand called the Suit which can be dried and used for smoking in pipes. The smoke is not hallucinogenic, but can be compared to tobacco in practice. There live about two hundred thousand people in Issand, most of which are Meri. A small minority of these people, unique to Issand, are of mixed Meri and elven heritage and are called Ebards by the rest of the populace (Eile in elfish). Ebards doesn’t face discrimination as such, but are slightly ostracized. They tend to keep to themselves or live in villages near the forest. Issand is and has always been a relatively poor kingdom. The tough ground combined with the harsh climate has made agriculture unsuccessful, and Issandans are known as wretched fishermen and goat herders abroad. The one pride of the people living here are their ships. Issandan boats are famous for their speed and durability and are exported to Kuningas and Joonlaud for heavy sums. Shipbuilders and sailors have higher standing than even warriors or blacksmiths. The word of a captain or master builder can sometimes outweigh that of a minor lord. Lumber is also exported to some degree. Grain, iron and other crops and minerals are usual imports. Issand is a feudal monarchy ruled by a king or queen, who is supported by landowners called jarls. The jarls in turn are supported by thanes who oversee villages and towns. The current ruler of Issand is King Heinu Ehasson. [center][IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/33mwynl.jpg[/IMG] [i]An Issandan village[/i][/center] [center] [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/11c62ix.png[/IMG][/center] Kuningas is the central kingdom of the triplet realms, bordering on Issand in the north, Mor Adhmad in the north east and the mountains of Skaala in the south. It was the first land to be settled by the Meri and has remained the heartland of that people for more than a thousand years. The geography of Kuningas is diverse with deep forests, rolling fields, inland highlands and coastal lowlands. The soil in the central province is rich with minerals and the northern highland and mountain is plentiful in iron. Kuningas has slightly less than a million inhabitants. Most of these are Meri but there are small minorities of Iwi and Taniwhans living here too. There is also a small elven settlement in the northernmost part of the land, lying on contested ground. Because of this relations with the elves of the woodland realm are cold at best. Giants from Skaala sometimes attack villages and towns along the southern border in winter, and it is not unheard of that Korahan raiding parties sometimes travel through the southern passes in search of slaves and plunder. The heartland of the Meri is the powerhouse of their people and is widely known for its wealth and military capabilities. It has endured many conflicts both international and domestic and has been known to support its neighboring kingdoms with troops and resources in troubled times. The entirety of the triplet realms use Kuningish coinage as their standard currency, and you can use it for trade is almost any part of the world. The regent in Kuningas holds great sway over the kings and queens of the other triplet realms and is often just as important as the native rulers in those kingdoms. The Meri of Kuningas have an old and strong warrior tradition, and fighting men and women enjoys high status within the realm. Kuningas is a feudal monarchy ruled by a king or queen, who is supported by landowners called jarls. The jarls in turn are supported by thanes who oversee villages and towns. The current ruler of Kuningas is Queen Luule Laglesdaughter. [center][IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/5jvebk.jpg[/IMG] [i]A port town in Kuningas[/i][/center] [center] [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/24nl820.png[/IMG][/center] Joonlaud is the southernmost and youngest kingdom of the triplet realms, bordering on Kuningas and Skaala to the north and Whenua to the east. The Meri came here less than three hundred years ago but are firmly settled today. Joonlaud consists mainly of highlands, rivers and mountains, with lowlands along the eastern coast. The western coast in nothing short of mountainous and is dangerous to travel by boat. The soil here is passable for farming, but the true wealth of the land is in the southern regions of the mountains of Skaala. Iron, tin, copper, silver, gold and many other minerals can be found in great quantities, and not a single mine has run dry from the time they were opened until today. There are a few herds of wild horses living in the eastern reaches of the land, which is unique to the triplet realms. Joonlaud has about five hundred thousand inhabitants, the majority being of Meri descent but with a big minority of Iwi living in the east. It is not uncommon for Whenuan Iwi tribes to pass through Joonlaudian territory during some seasons, a practice that was once contested but has become accepted in recent years. Many Joonlaudians and Iwi have interbred, creating a new demographic in the kingdom. The early days of Joonlaud are drenched in blood as the invading Meri met heavy resistance from the native Iwi population. The struggle went on for nearly three full decades until the Iwi finally realized the invaders could not be defeated and retreated eastwards. A time of troubles followed, with raids and skirmishes along the border, but there is peace between the two nations today. The cultural exchange has led to many innovations in Joonlaud. For example, they are the only kingdom in the triplet realms to incorporate cavalry in their military. As they are on friendly terms, Joonlaud has sometimes supported Whenuan Iwi tribes against Korahan raiding parties. Joonlaud is a feudal monarchy ruled by a king or queen, who is supported by landowners called jarls. The jarls in turn are supported by thanes who oversee villages and towns. The regent in Joonlaud is however very dependent on the ruler in Kuningas and the realm is sometimes regarded as a province of the heartland rather than a kingdom in its own right. The current ruler of Joonlaud is King Koit Kajasson. [center][IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/i6xtft.jpg[/IMG] [i]A Joonlaudian hill fort[/i][/center] [/hider] [hider=Whenua] [center] [IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/14sfoyq.jpg[/IMG][/center] Whenua is the name of the great grasslands east of Joonlaud and south of Koraha, and is the ancient homeland of the Iwi. The land consists mainly of rolling grasslands framed by mountains to the east, north, west, and by the ocean in the south. The steppe is rich with flora and fauna unique to the region and makes for perfect hunting and farming grounds. It is the only place in the entirety of Aimsir that great herds of wild horses can be found, a fact that has influenced the people living here greatly. Whenua has roughly six hundred thousand inhabitants, mainly Iwi but with small minorities of Meri and Taniwhans. A scattering of small Joonlaudian settlements have appeared along the western border in recent years and have become an accepted part of the landscape by the Iwi tribes. Here the two cultures meet and mix, slowly forming a new kind of society. The northern border is usually avoided by smaller Iwi tribes as the constant threat of Korahan raiders makes it a dangerous place. According to Iwi mythology, Whenua rose from the sea along with the rest of Aimsir in the time when the world was made. The Iwi were equal to the other animals then, but became their masters when they challenged and defeated the previous rulers, the horses. From that day on they have wandered the plains, following the herds, living with the land and not off of it. The Whenuans have fought against the Korahans for as long as anyone can remember. It is unknown how or why this feud started, but the Iwi claim that they are only defending themselves from an outside threat. It is however not uncommon for Iwi tribes to venture into Koraha and attack settlements there is reprisal of earlier aggression. Whenua is generally known for its peace and quiet, but is also considered a remote and foreign place by most other peoples. There is no central government in Whenua. The tribes all have chieftains that rules over them, but these chieftains hold no sway over other tribes. [center][IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/9s72bc.png[/IMG] [i]An Iwi settlement[/i][/center] [/hider] [hider=Koraha] [center][IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/al6a7p.jpg[/IMG][/center] Koraha, also known as the badlands, is the name given by the Taniwha to the dusty plains north of Whenua and east of the mountains of Suuri. It is a harsh and unforgiving place, largely consisting of dry lowland steppes and inaccessible mountains. It is the home of many dangerous animals and plants, the foremost of which are the bloodroot which the natives use to drug themselves before battle, and the Whatura, an enormous species of vulture that measures twelve feet between the tips of its wings and functions as an avatar of death in Taniwhan mythology. There are somewhere between eight and nine hundred thousand people living in Koraha of which two thirds are slaves captured on raids and the remaining third are the native Taniwha. There are no minorities of other peoples living here, except for the slaves, mainly because of the frightening aggression demonstrated by the native Korahans. No outsiders are tolerated within the borders of their sacred homeland. Koraha and its inhabitants have always been regarded as barbaric by the other peoples of Aimsir. The constant raids and skirmishes against other realms have given the region a much deserved ill reputation, and the hostility of the land itself has only increased the infamy. It is however not unheard of that Korahan mercenaries have been hired by foreign powers to fight for one side or another in the many wars throughout history. Sometimes these mercenaries have fought for both sides simultaneously, as loyalty or honor are unimportant to the Taniwhans and the promise of doubled payment is hard to pass up on. The Korahans seem to have a certain hatred towards the Whenuans and fight them whenever possible. The constant attacks and counter attacks have left the southern passes uninhabitable and extremely dangerous. Koraha as a power is widely feared throughout the world, and many fear the day when the barbarians of the east finally come in earnest against the rest of Aimsir. Koraha has no formal government, but is currently ruled by the witch-queen known only as Whaea, or “mother” in their native tongue. [center][IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/v8e7ub.jpg[/IMG] [i]A Korahan encampment[/i][/center] [/hider] [hider=Mor Adhmad] [center][IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/24whldx.jpg[/IMG][/center] Mor Adhmad is the elven name for the great forest covering the northern part of Aimsir. Its edges are bright and full of activity, but the heart of the forest is a dark and tranquil place where few other than the native elves have set foot. The region is diverse, with swamps and thickets in some places and vast, seemingly lifeless spaces in others. It is a known fact throughout the land that you don’t venture further into the forest than there is light in the day if you have any hope of ever coming out again. It is hard to determine how many people lives in Mor Adhmad, but the elves number less than a hundred thousand as a species. There are too few individuals of other peoples living there to be considered as minorities. Those that come are often sorcerers seeking the knowledge of the elves, hunters seeking solace, or fugitives from the law trying to evade capture. According to the elves, the entirety of northern Aimsir was once covered by forests inhabited by the native Daoine. It was when the Meri first arrived that the forest and its people were pushed back to make room for farms and fields. Although many old settlements had to be abandoned, the oldest and mightiest still remain in the heart of the woods. These cities outdate even the oldest of human civilizations and have stood unchanged throughout millennia. The elves have not been at war since ancient times, but tensions are currently brewing along the southern border to Kuningas. The Meri have begun settling further north than ever before, and the patience of the elves seems to be running out. The elves are ruled by a king and queen whom they claim have reigned since the beginning of time. Their names are not known outside of Mor Adhmad, and the elves simply refer to them as the leaders when dealing with outsiders. [center][IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/262rwr8.jpg[/IMG] [i]An enchanted elven freshwater spring[/i][/center] [/hider] [hider=Suuri] [center][IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/egr13c.jpg[/IMG][/center] The mountains of Suuri divides the east and west regions of northern Aimsir and is the ancestral home of the dwarves. Suuri is home to the highest places in all of the land and houses untold riches in metals and minerals, but is largely inaccessible due to its harsh climate and lack of passes. There are places in the heights of the peaks where the stone walls drop several thousand feet before climbing again, offering stunning views to none but the birds. It is a beautiful but deadly place. The dwarves of Suuri number in between one or two hundred thousand individuals and are the only demographic present in the area. No other people have been able to settle here, in no small part because of the dwarf’s fierce protectiveness of their lands. A few select individuals have ever been allowed inside the great doors of the dwarven strongholds, and those that have seldom returns. The dwarves have never really been part of the history of Aimsir, preferring to keep to themselves. There was however a time, long ago, when the Meri tried and failed to seize some of their holds. The campaigns were intense but inevitably short as the dwarves proved a far too superior foe for the westerlings to beat. The most famous things coming out of Suuri are the few invaluable dwarven artifacts that sometimes surface in the rest of the world. Impregnable suits of armor, impossible keen swords, indestructible shields and other wondrous items of dwarven origin are considered priceless treasures by the other peoples of Aimsir. Minor wars have even been fought in the pursuit of obtaining them. The dwarves are ruled by a council of kings and queens that each rules a stronghold of their own. [center][IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/4jndrc.png[/IMG] [i]A dwarven stronghold[/i][/center] [/hider] [hider=Skaala] [center][IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/k0391j.jpg[/IMG][/center] Skaala is the name of the mountain range that separates the western and eastern parts of southern Aimsir. The climate here is extremely harsh, more so than even in the northern mountains, in spite of its southern location. Many a traveler has met its end trying to brave the blizzards of these hazardous peaks. One thing is true, and that is that no one is prepared for the trial that is Skaala. The mountains are separated from their northern counterparts by a great pass created by a river, but the road through the mountains is perilous. Giants are known to attack caravans, and other predators stalk careless adventurers during the long dark nights. It is not known how many it is that lives in these forsaken parts of the world. The only ones who have managed to settle here are the giants, and although their actual numbers are obscured one thing is certain. They are many. Skaala has no real history. The giants have made these parts unsafe since forever and still come down from their lairs from time to time to pillage and destroy. A few unsuccessful attempts have been made to root them out, but the costs have been so staggering that the very notion of the idea is met with anger or scorn. No one knows how or if the giants of Skaala are governed. They seem to be as wild and untamed as the mountains themselves. [center][IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/21bomm8.jpg[/IMG] [i]Path leading to a giant dwelling[/i][/center] [/hider] [hr] [center][h2]Magic in Aimsir[/h2] [IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/ay8zn5.jpg[/IMG][/center] First practiced by the elves of Mor Adhmad, the magic of Aimsir is a mysterious and marvelous thing. Each of the different peoples of the land has their own view of it, but they can all agree on one thing: it is powerful. It is also extremely difficult to master. Indeed, only a few individuals not of elven origin have ever been recorded that have mastered its art, and they are spread far between in both distance and time. They have all however been legendary, known throughout the world for their awesome deeds. Many have had an important hand in the major events in history, shaping the world to their will. There are three main reasons for the difficulty with learning magic. The first is that it has to be taught by someone who already understands it. A person cannot uncover the knowledge for themselves and finding someone that knows it who is also able to or at all interested in teaching it is a feat in itself. If a person could accomplish that, there is also the second reason to hinder them further. Learning magic takes time. A long time. Sometimes it takes a lifetime for the student to learn even the basics of magical practice. Sorcerers are rarely proficient with anything besides their art, as the study is too extensive to leave room for anything else. It is almost required for a human to begin training in early childhood to be able to wield it at all. And even if a person could find time for all of this, there is the third reason. Magic just doesn’t agree with logic or reason. It defies natural laws but depends on them at the same time. For the sorcerer to be able to manipulate fire, s/he must first understand fire completely. Where it comes from, how it functions, what it is made of, what it does, what it cannot do or be. Then the sorcerer must learn how to bend those things, change them. S/he must not think or believe that they can change, but know. The concept might sound simple enough to some, but it is not. You can imagine the day being dark in spite of the sun, or wood turning to water, or sound becoming material. But you know at the same time that those things are just a fantasy, that the real world doesn’t work like that. Sorcerers must overcome this. They must know, truly know, that the world and the way it works can be shaped by their will. It is not an easy task. [hr] [center][h2]Your Character[/h2] [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/mly1c.jpg[/IMG] [/center] So arriveth we at last, then, to the character creation screen! Before starting on your hero, please take another moment to read through the peoples and realms of Aimsir. Find inspiration there and mix it with your own thoughts and ideas. Remember that you can ask me if you need guidance or have any wonders about the world or its possibilities. I’m here to help you in this process, and I want to make things work. There are a few rules for character creation that I expect you to follow: [list] [*]You may only play as humans, or elf-human hybrids. [*]You may create a powerful character, but keep things interesting. The keyword is growth. [*]You may create a sorcerer, but I will require more from your application and play if you do. [*]I have the final say with any application and have the right to deny them, although I will try to be as lenient as I can. [/list] [center][h3]And here’s the character sheet![/h3] [h3]Name[/h3] [i](for suggestions, just ask)[/i] [h3]Age[/h3] [h3]Gender[/h3] [h3]People[/h3] [i](Meri, Iwi, Taniwha or Ebard/Eile/Half-Elf)[/i] [h3]Appearance[/h3] [i](Description obligatory, picture optional but very appreciated)[/i] [h3]Traits[/h3] [i](Personality, pros and cons)[/i] [h3]Background[/h3] [i](Where your character comes from, where and how s/he grew up, whom s/he met and where, what s/he learned from them, where s/he has been, and most important of all, why s/he decided to abandon her/his old life and become an adventurer. Be descriptive!)[/i] [hider=Click me!] Add “God Damn It Carl!” in a hidden box like this at the end of your application to show that you’ve read everything. [/hider][/center] [hr] [center][h1]I am eagerly awaiting your characters, comments and questions![/h1][/center]