[hider=Christopher Abu-Machlouf] [u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Christopher Abu-Machlouf [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Height:[/b] 175 cm [b]Weight:[/b] 70 kg [Hider=Appearance] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Black [b]Eye Color:[/b] Brown [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/3cbLXu0.gif[/img] [INDENT] Externally, Chris is your typical nerd. His already narrow, lean build is further enhanced by the loose-fitting clothes he wears. On top of this is a head slightly larger than perfect proportion allows, adorned with an explosion of disheveled hair. His large, round, thin-framed glasses complete the picture - a young, green techie, fitting the social stigma of his kind. But the first thing almost immediately apparent is his complete lack of facial expression. According to context, one can imagine him being bored, sarcastic or even silently angry. And when his words do not fit this, he slowly appears more and more creepy. Sometimes, when the effect is especially bad, he looks like a bad hologram, with unfocused eyes and computer-generated face with a generic expression. He sometimes notices this, and attempts to imitate facial expressions appropriate to the context or his mood. This generally makes things worse. And his monotonous, almost robotic voice does not help matters. Underneath his loose clothes, Chris is built like an athlete. Tight, sinewy muscles cover his body, visible through thin skin almost entirely devoid of fat. He looks like the standard male muscle diagram in anatomy books, if the diagram was slightly thinner and a giant nerd. He is not built for volume, and none of this is visible through his clothes. When he walks or participates in any other physical activity, the experienced would notice a certain determination in his steps, coupled with balance and control, typical of martial arts practitioners. Usually there is a determined facial expression in this package, so the experienced quickly become confused. [/INDENT] [b]Attire:[/b] [INDENT] Chris dresses with complete disregard for fashion or style, preferring practical work clothes for all events, even social ones. His usual attire is a pair of cargo pants, light work boots, and a simple shirt underneath a jacket made of some tough material. His clothes are usually a few sizes larger than he is, making him look small. Though if he really could, he'd just stay in his lab coat all day. [/INDENT] [b]Equipment:[/b] [INDENT] - Glasses (-0.5) - Lab Coat - Thermometer - Pen pocket friend (or whatever the name of this thing is) - Multitool - Digital/Analog Wristwatch [/INDENT] [/Hider] [Hider=Personality] [b]Innate & Outward Personality:[/b] [INDENT] Chris is cheerful and friendly, and truly believes in every person's power to change the world for the best. Nothing of this comes through when he talks with people - His body language appears to be limited to hands alone, as his voice and face do not cooperate. It is so strange, that people truly need to get to know him before they can understand everything he's saying - especially his nerdy humor which he finds hilarious. He is naturally curious, and tries to gain a deeper understanding of any topic he comes across, especially through conversation with professionals (who are his favorite conversation partners). His head, by now, is filled with bits of various information that may some day be useful in highly specific situations (Did you know standard water faucets have two different thread lengths for hot and cold pipes so they don't get mixed up?). Since he had not dealt with any real danger before, Chris is kind of cowardly, and prefers to escape various dangerous situations. Though it would be interesting to find out what would happen if another's life was on the line. He takes his glasses everywhere, though he's pretty fine without them. He likes the effect they have on people. [/INDENT] [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] [INDENT] Beyond his job, Chris has done a little research on every scientific field available to him. He is thus very slightly versed in all kinds of sciences, and may even recognize a term or two in a scientific paper by accident. He is particularly interested in medicine, though so far he has gained only the basic first-aid skills crucial for anyone working in a medical lab. He tries to live a healthy lifestyle, though he seems to eat more than one would expect. He claims his body needs it. He also practices a kind of military self-defense technique, more for strength and coordination than true self-defense, but for some reason he's very perceptive and the few basic techniques he knows he can perform with near perfection. Chris is also interested in various military technologies, from firearms to land vehicles and naval vessels. His father's career has left him curious about the world's military tech advancement, and he makes sure to follow on the latest developments and releases, through his father's sources of information. He has fired a few guns in his life, but other than having knowledge of how to operate many weapons, he has close to zero experience. [/INDENT] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [INDENT] Chris has a Magister's degree in Physics. His degree was very general and encompassed many different fields in physics, from analytic thermodynamics to relative gravitational analysis. His Magister's was about a new type of medical imaging, the first step towards his chosen career. Chris is also versed in many kinds of medical equipment, and while he dealt only with specific equipment he will most likely be able to operate many others. He is able to analyze results of various tests as well, on a very basic level (though considerably upgraded by him testing various anomalies he had artificially induced in his body). [/INDENT] [/Hider] [Hider=History/Bio] [INDENT] Christopher Abu-Machlouf was born in Egypt, Earth, in a time of great technological leaps. His father was a military contractor, and often took him as a child to gun shows and other events. The child took everything in with great joy, excited by the technological complexity and ease-of-use of the various "problem-solvers" he was shown. His father thought he would continue in his steps and become an engineer, but Chris soon found that what excited him is not technology itself, but the principles on which it was built. Additionally, he was a pacifist, and preferred to advance the world of Medical technology instead of the Military. He finished school with honors, and immediately applied to the best university his parents' money could buy. After receiving his Magister's he decided to join his university's mission to Mars. Its purpose was to study the living habits of miners, and eventually develop tools that would improve their health and prolong their lives. The expedition's base of operations was founded in Aire - The team would do rudimentary health checks of many miners, and it was important to have access to workers from all over the planet. Christopher's primary work was to operate the various testing equipment, which was too complicated and unwieldy for doctors that were used to working with people. He tried to learn everything he could from them, but much of what happened went over his head. He did gain a good idea of how the testing equipment worked, on a physical level, and what the results meant - Since in his free time, he would run various tests on himself, in different conditions (After a workout, just waking up, hungover, etc). He was glad this machinery was available to him, as it encouraged him to live a healthy lifestyle. One day, it happened. He woke up, not particularly tired, but looking in the mirror as if he partied hard yesterday and was going to pay for it. Through communication with the others, he realized his face was numb - or, emotionally numb. He could do anything he wanted with it, but it would not change according to his tone of voice or his mood. During the day, he noticed his voice becoming monotonous. He quickly put himself in a device used to measure cardiovascular function. It was a stationary bike-like contraption with many sensors. He would often toy with the life-signs on the screen, trying to force them up or down using his thoughts. This time, it worked. He felt a sharp pain in his chest as his heart went from 60 to 160 in 3 seconds. His temperature jumped. His lungs forced oxygen inside with a coarse gasp. His hands, forehead, body became covered in hot sweat. A minute later it was over, after he was sure he was going to die from the weirdest cardiac arrest known to man. A slight but annoying headache was beginning to develop at the back of his head, so he got off the bike and poured himself a cup of juice. A few moments later, he was in front of the punching bag. He tested his strength a few times, his strikes fast and accurate from the self-defense classes he was taking (As they proved to be the most effective for his shape). Then, he forced himself to strike harder. And harder. His muscles bulged. Sharp pain spread through his elbow, to his shoulder and back. The next punch made a small crack in the cheap bag's fabric, simultaneously dislocating his shoulder. He made it to bed somehow, his shoulder returned to place but his hand almost completely useless. He wondered if he was going to simply break apart at night. He wished himself to get better. He did not want to die. He did not want to die! His right hand twitched. When he woke up the next day, his arm was fine. Using the tools at his disposal, Chris spent the following month working at day and researching his power at night. He was able to fine-tune his body to make his workouts more effective as well, and made almost inhuman progress. That was until the quarantine. He spent a day hiding his logs, to one day send them to Earth and continue his research. And while the lab is slowly transformed into an emergency treatment clinic, he can't help but wonder if it will soon be used to diagnose people with powers. [/INDENT] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT] Father: Frederick Abu-Machlouf, Project Manager, Egypt Military. Alive. Mother: Dianah Abu-Machlouf, Writer. Alive. [/INDENT] [/Hider] [Hider=Abilities] [b]Power Class:[/b] [INDENT]Physical - Bioelectrical Signal Control[/INDENT] [b]Power Description:[/b] [INDENT] The human body is controlled by decisions, some automatic and some intelligent, of all parts of the human brain. These decisions translate into bioelectrical signals, sent from the central nervous system to all parts of the body. Unlike normal people, Chris has control over many automatic signals, and is able to transmit them in his own body by will, overriding many of its automatic functions. He also has a limited ability to transmit bioelectrical signals by touch to others. The effects on them are similar to those on him, but are also quite different, sometimes destructively so. The brain has no ability to transmit these signals outside the body, but Chris is able to overcharge the brain to do so. This takes a heavy toll on him. (note: Chris does not actually have control over electricity - only over his body's communication signals). [u]Current State[/u] The commands Chris can currently use are: [b]Biomechanical[/b] - Strength [indent]Removes limiters from the muscles, allowing the body to exert more force than it naturally would. If used for extensive periods or for extremely hard tasks, may damage the muscles.[/indent] - Speed [indent]Similarly to strength, allows the limbs to move faster, with the same limitations.[/indent] - Flexibility [indent]Allows muscles and tendons to lengthen beyond their limit. This lowers strength and makes the body more susceptible to physical damage.[/indent] - Control [indent]Allows higher coordination and more accurate movements. Can be used for accurate throwing, pinpoint firearm accuracy, or complicated surgery (as long as he knows what he is doing). Decreases all other biomechanical parameters.[/indent] - Defense [indent]Temporarily hardens muscles and bones, to allow the body to survive higher physical trauma. Decreases speed and flexibility.[/indent] [b]Sensory[/b] - Sight Accuracy [indent]Allows clearer view of objects far away, or noticing minute details.[/indent] - Sight Speed [indent]Allows the mind to respond to visible events faster. This is like bullet time, only without hastening the body. The higher the response speed, the greater the strain on the mind and eyes.[/indent] - Variable-Light Vision [indent]Allows faster adaptation to low or high light environment. Within human limitations, this causes no strain, but when pushed beyond (i.e. darkvision) it causes strain as usual.[/indent] - Hearing [indent]Enhances hearing beyond human capability. Works only in low-noise environments.[/indent] - Smell [indent]Allows recognition of familiar smells in smelly environment.[/indent] - Taste [indent]Food is more awesome than ever.[/indent] - Pain Resistance [indent]The ability to ignore pain and prevent it from affecting sensory or physical parameters. This does not prevent actual damage to the body.[/indent] [b]Internal[/b] - Active Healing [indent]Enhanced regeneration of wounded (or missing) tissue. Can be used to repair self-inflicted damage caused by other abilities.[/indent] - Adrenaline Control [indent]Increase of adrenaline increases strength and speed, lowers coordination and sensitivity in all senses (including pain). High amounts of adrenaline in the blood for extended periods of time cause extreme fatigue. The usage of the ability itself does not strain the body (Within the body's limitation of producing and breaking down adrenaline).[/indent] - Sleep Control [indent]Can fall asleep instantly and in any environment. External awakening must overcome the noise within which this power was used (kick to the head works every time).[/indent] - Digestion Control [indent]Can, within certain limitation, process barely edible food, and in general take whatever materials he chooses from any ingested food. Cakes are not fattening anymore.[/indent] - Metabolism Control [indent]Can hasten or slow down cardiovascular functions. Outside of human parameters, this is the most dangerous power to use, since passing human limitations in both directions leads to death.[/indent] [b]Transmitted[/b] - Sense Other [indent]Able to sense and understand (within the limitation of the language used to describe these powers) any problems or wounds that a person has by touching them. Only serious problems are felt.[/indent] - Heal Other [indent]Able to induce regeneration in subject touched. The subject must be organic and the touch must persist for the duration of the ability. Exerts the body just like normal regeneration but is generally less effective.[/indent] [b]Other[/b] - Genetic Modification [indent]In conjunction with healing, this can be used to modify a parameter beyond a human's capability permanently. This power is very long term, and its results take effect whenever the GM wants. This is basically my character's level up mechanism.[/indent] [u]Future Advancement[/u] - Increased bioelectrical stamina (decrease strain of powers on body, extend duration) - Increase amount of simultaneous powers used (at the moment limited to 1) - Increased effectiveness of all powers - Improve Other (Biomechanics) - Future genetic modification results: [indent] - Echolocation - Thermal Sight [/indent] [/INDENT] [b]Limits:[/b] [INDENT] Issuing a command requires a strong bioelectrical discharge in Chris's brain. The organ responsible for it takes time to recharge, and at the moment is limited to one discharge between recharges. Using a command on someone else, including healing, takes greater effort and increases recharge time. It also damages Chris's nervous system slightly, requiring him to heal himself after a few uses. [/INDENT] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [INDENT] The weaknesses of particular powers are in their description. There are some general weaknesses however: - Since Chris is able to change parameters humans usually have no control of, he is particularly susceptible to mind control. If forced to use his powers incorrectly, he can hurt himself and even die. - As most parameters within the human body, Chris's power requires the body to be in optimal temperature. If Chris is too cold, his power weakens, and he loses it in particularly cool environments. He can increase his cardiovascular parameters to warm himself, but only while it isn't cold enough. When it is hot, on the other hand, Chris's power may go off randomly, on himself or on an innocent bystander touched at the wrong time. This depletes his ability as usual. His powers do not discharge randomly while charging. He can decrease his cardiovascular parameters to cool himself, but this makes him sluggish and tired if done in excess. [/INDENT] [/Hider] [/Hider]