Am I disappeared? What was this foolish little girl talking about, the Wraith thought through her words furiously, searching for some hidden insult. Anna’s eyes narrowed as she assumed the strange winged creature may in fact be exploring the nature of the deaths of many a fisherman around the sand islands. The spirit within her reacted to her sudden anger, creeping across the wet sand and seizing control of the water around her. [color=paleturquoise]“They all deserved to drown.”[/color] Anna spat vehemently, answering the riddle of the missing sea-farers and their fates. Though she hadn’t technically claimed responsibility for their deaths, she might as well have. She ran two fingers down a strand of dark red hair, squeezing until the water dripped down her hand. [color=paleturquoise]“I think you should leave now, I don’t like to see young women get hurt.”[/color] She warned Evvie ominously. She seemed to be staring past the young dragon-kin now, as if lost in her own little world as she stood with the tides at her back, washing over her bare feet. Her expression was one of anger, but also unbearable loss, pain, and suffering.