Dominic sighed contentedly as a light breeze picked up and blew against the back of his neck. He zipped up and turned away from the tree he had just unceremoniously relieved himself on. He walked slowly back to the road and the jeep parked on the side, its drivers door ajar. Before getting in once more he stretched a bit, loosening up his body. He climbed back in and shut the door. He reached over to the floor in front of the passenger's seat searching for a bottle of hand sanitizer he had seen roll down there a few hours earlier. Finding it, he grabbed it and quickly got back into his seat. In doing so, he nearly knocked the plastic bottle out of the cup holder. Though the liter bottle had been full of water earlier, it now held some discarded sunflower seed shells. He squeezed some of the hand sanitizer into his hand a rubbed it in, the alcohol smell temporarily blocking out the scents of the plants and flowers around him. Once he felt clean once more, Dominic shifted out of park and got going down the small road once more. The sun glinted off his sunglasses and the wind lightly pushed at the bill of his hat, a light attempt to pull it off his head. Dom grinned. This feeling right here was why he had left his crappy secondhand sedan at home and borrowed his brother's less-crappy secondhand jeep for the summer. Though he'd spent some time with Victoria and seen her out a bit, he had to admit he was surprised she felt she knew him well enough to invite him out to the cabin for the summer. It was college and the idea of girls coming on strong wasn't entirely foreign to him, but it really had seemed genuine when she came to him with her idea to spend the summer in a cabin with some friends. He initially invited Jim, an old friend from high school who he'd recently reconnected with. Eventually that meant inviting the his cousin Henri. He'd met the guy just before the trip and he seemed pretty chill. The more the merrier, right? Up ahead, a few small buildings came into view. Was this the stop? He wasn't entirely sure, but the length of time he had been driving seemed about right. He approached slowly, and he could eventually make out a store called Ben's and a small group of people outside. Could they be his group? Or perhaps some local kids? He wondered if there were any people their own age around to speak of. He pulled up to the store and parked the jeep, noticing that Jim and Henri were definitely among the group. He grinned. Hopefully they were too involved in their conversation to bother to check who it was in the jeep. He banged on the horn once quickly followed by a prolonged honk. With a chuckle, Dominic climbed out of the jeep and walked over to the group, his arms held out. "Jim! Henri! Good to see you made it!" He threw an arm around each of their shoulder's pulling them in. He then removed his right arm from around Henri and gestured to the other two. "Are you two going to be joining us at the cabin?" He looked from Paul to Mélanie. "Either way, a pleasure to meet you. I'm Dominic," he continued, offering out his hand.