[b]Until the End[/b] Name: Shay Davenport Gender: Female Age: 18 Appearance: [img]http://www.wall321.com/thumbnails/detail/20120629/vocaloid%20blue%20eyes%20megurine%20luka%20purple%20hair%20anime%20girls%201280x1024%20wallpaper_www.wall321.com_47.jpg[/img] Personality: Shay is a very outgoing person. Whenever there's an opportunity to do something memmorable, she's the first one in line. SHe has a bubbly spirit and hates to see people upset. Her kindness is taken too far a lot of the time. While it's nice to see her smiling face, it's not nearly as pleasant when she wants to know every detail of your life. If she gets the chance to tell her side of the story, you won't hear the end of it. Bio: Shay grew up in a normal family, nothing unique or intriguing about her parents or her older brother. And she hated every second she had to spend with her parents, but she loved her brother through thick and thin. Her parents didn't understand why she was hyper all the time, but her brother did. He helped her try and control her ADHD. When being stuck in one place finally became too much, she ran away and backpacked around the country, holding odd jobs to get some cash. Finally settling in a city, she tried every job imaginable in hopes of finding something to do for the rest of her life. But, it hasn't quite happened yet. Power: Duplication, the ability to create another copy of herself. Family: Her brother Friends: Anyone who can listen to her ramble Sentimental Attachment: A bracelet her brother gave her that she constantly plays with. Other: She is currently in Washington, D.C.