"Damn it... damn it, damn it, damn it." Daniel murmured under his breath. He knew she was right. The sooner he came to terms with him knowing nothing the sooner he'd be at peace. For the first time in his life, Daniel may have had to admit to not knowing what to do and he hated it. This feeling of helplessness, of having no control. Ever since he figured out his powers, and that they may very well have caused his mother's death he had focused on never letting it happen again, by purifying mind, body and soul. He had found training in Krav Maga a local deli owner who was an ex-Mossad agent who had come to America to be with his husband. He had worked at libraries and his aunt's store reading on religion and philosophy and the occult, trying to figure out where his powers came from and how to suppress them. He had given it his all in all aspects of his life to take care of his few living relatives at the expense of living his own life and for what? For all of it to be gone in a flash as some maniac pixie girl to come along and tell him what he had always feared: None of what he did mattered. And now he was going to do one of the things he had feared most. Being in his underpants in front of a group of strangers. Mixing the potion into what was left of his cocoa, Daniel noted, "Not even the taste of rice milk can hide this stuff." Looking away Daniel started blushing head to toe and asked sheepishly, "Uh, do you guys mind looking away? I'd uh, prefer it if I wasn't watched." before he began to strip, keep his eyes glue to the ground, afraid that if he looked up he could see their jeering. While one could describe his physique as somewhere between a dancer and a Greek statue the lad like every other teenager had been self-conscious of his appearance. Now down to his silver and black compression shorts (which were much more revealing than he'd like) the young traceur sifted through his bag to grab his khukri and the web-weave scabbard/belt it was in. Strapping it around his waist, he twisted too and fro, before doing a standing backflip into a planche. Landing on his palms, he proceeded to stand up on his finger tips holding it for about half a minute, before widening his knees to about the width of his shoulders and slowly going into a handstand, letting legs dangle loosely over his head before 'popping' off his hands and tucking forward to land on his feet. Satisfied that his mobility wasn't hindered Danny dashed forward and did a Kick The Moon straight into the water. Shocked by the cold of it, Daniel sucked in water but found that there was no sense of choking, let alone drowning. It had seemed that between his breaking the surface and his sucking the water in the potion had taken effect. Taking in a few more gulps he could feel his sense of dread slowly ebbing away, marveling at the feeling of warm water hit his shoulders in pulses not unlike exhaling. Feeling the lines of his gills Daniel was fascinated by the way they acted on their own accord. If he weren't feeling them now, he'd never know they were there. Breaking the surface with a gasp Daniel pushed his shaggy hair out of his eyes and said with a smile plastering his face, "Alright, even I got to admit, this is pretty fucking amazing."