I wanted to get a picture of race but will have to do it tomorrow. Hope everything is all right took a lot longer to fill out everything than I thought it would. Took part of my last sporum signature to use for avatar here. If anything I need to change can change it. Got a little carried away with whole bio and personality part. Name of Race: Alvith [b]Pic/Description (either one, but both is preferred):[/b] A adult Alvith at stands in range height of 8-9ft with a weight range of 760-936lbs. Alvith are a humanoid species with two arms, two legs, and long tails averaging at 5ft. Entire body of a Alvith is covered in thick scales that are colored earthy greens and browns. Each hand has three clawed fingers and a clawed thumb while feet have three clawed toes. [b]Racial Characteristics (things specific to the race):[/b] The Alvith large tails help propel them through water for a quick boost of speed though Alvith are poor swimmers. Scales that cover Alvith are thick providing a natural armor. Meat is the main diet of the Alvith though they are capable of eating other than meat a Alvith will get sick if majority of diet isn't meat. The scales of a Alvith have difficulty healing if damaged, if a scale is cut through it will scar leaving exposed weak point and if section of scales are cut off they do not grow back. Temperature extremes can affect a Alvith with extreme cold below freezing causing sluggishness in movements and the extreme heat above 95 degrees being dangerous to Alvith. The inability to deal with temperature extremes from scales not being good at keeping in heat in the cold and cannot sweat through scales in extreme heat. Due to size and demand running puts on a Alvith they cannot run on land for long distance. A brief sprint at best the Alvith fair better walking which makes running from danger not a option. The Alvith also reproduce slowly with a female only able to produce a single child every other year. Reasoning is not greatest with the Alvith and is reflected in how strength means everything in society for the Alvith. Complex reasoning to solve a issue does not come to mind of a Alvith. If a boulder is in way a group of Alvith will just try to brute force it away instead of trying to think of less labor intense way to deal with moving boulder. [b]Race Bio (personality, etc.):[/b] Strength is everything to the Alvith and to be weak is to be at bottom of social ladder. The strongest rule with absolute authority but are open to any challenger. Trials of combat for leadership are done by unarmed combat with first to fall unconscious or die being loser. If both go unconscious then first to wake is victor. All that matters in a leader is they are the strongest and win every challenge to rule. When a ruler dies of age the Alvith will fight for as many days of trials of combat it takes to decide the new leader. To kill others within same group outside trials of combat is punished by stripping of name and symbol of betrayal carved upon body for all to see. Those marked of betrayal are lower than weakest among a group of Alvith. The Alvith worship the sun as left eye and moon as right eye of the great serpent. In Alvith mythology the great serpent died so corpse would become the land and left eye was to breathe life into land while right eye to observe death. Stars are seen as gleaming scales of great serpent. The sun viewed as left eye of great serpent associated with living life to fullest while moon right eye of the great serpent is associated with honoring the dead. The dead are burned only in bright sun or light of moon to show great serpent that a Alvith has lived a full life. Ashes are scattered to winds to be with great serpent. Those with mark of betrayal are not given honor and instead are buried to never be allowed to meet great serpent in sky. The Alvith live as a single group in a large village that is run by strongest of the Alvith known as a Chief. [b]Location on Map: [/b]Smaller plains west of the mountains across the river branch that goes south. [b]Techs (specifically those not already given):[/b] Domestication(A race of boar like creatures they eat), Bone/Hide Huts (They build huts from bones and hide of creature they eat)