Greetings! Before reading on, please ignore my post count. I have had two accounts on the Guild(one on the old, one on the new) and have been role-playing for over six years so I am no stranger to it. A few standards I have set are that you need to write at least three lines, preferably four. I like a partner who gives me something to work with, because I'm always looking to improve my writing. That brings me to another point: I want a partner who is literate and who will correct me on occasion and who knows their grammar. You need to be fairly active, of course, but I do have classes and horseback riding so I understand if you won't be able to be on so frequently. I have two plots that have currently been occupying my thoughts. We can do one or both of them, it's all up to you. Details about each and what I am willing to do with them are inside. I am fine with mature situations(sex, drugs, alcohol, violence, etc.) [hider=The Madame]This role-play must include mature scenes. If you are uncomfortable with that, please move on. If you are fine with that, please note that i haven't done mature scenes in a while and might need coaching. I am willing to do FxF and FxM. The idea I have is a romance between a madam and maybe a client, but the roles can always be switched around. For example, the client could instead be her husband/wife, her boyfriend/girlfriend, her friend whom she falls in love with, etc. Now, needless to say, the role-play would have mature content in it as it revolves around something mature in nature. It would be in a modern setting in some big city, probably New York City, L.A., or some overseas city. The possibilities are endless here, which is why I like to keep things short, sweet, and vague. I would be preferably playing the madam.[/hider] [hider=The Better Side of Life]This role-play does not need to have sex/smut scenes even though they are preferred but would include alcohol use. If there should be drug use scenes, that is up to you. I am willing to do FxF and FxM. This plot is about MC having been a part of the lower middle-class for her entire life. Through her job(we will discuss what job) she meets a very wealthy individual, YC. After a while of getting to know each other through her work, YC becomes head over heels for MC but it's a lot of lust as well as love. YC spoils MC and shows them how the first class live their life. We could add in troubles with the relationship and things like that, of course. As said above, the possibilities are endless.[/hider]