Did not notice that when working on sheet. Here is a bunch of weakness I can add to characteristics to the race. Hope its all right. Also decided to dumb them down by hampering them in reasoning department. Which will hamper them more as time goes on. The scales of a Alvith have difficulty healing if damaged, if a scale is cut through it will scar leaving exposed weak point and if section of scales are cut off they do not grow back. Temperature extremes can affect a Alvith with extreme cold below freezing causing sluggishness in movements and the extreme heat above 95 degrees being dangerous to Alvith. The inability to deal with temperature extremes from scales not being good at keeping in heat in the cold and cannot sweat through scales in extreme heat. Due to size and demand running puts on a Alvith they cannot run on land for long distance. A brief sprint at best the Alvith fair better walking which makes running from danger not a option. The Alvith also reproduce slowly with a female only able to produce a single child every other year. Reasoning is not greatest with the Alvith and is reflected in how strength means everything in society for the Alvith. Complex reasoning to solve a issue does not come to mind of a Alvith. If a boulder is in way a group of Alvith will just try to brute force it away instead of trying to think of less labor intense way to deal with moving boulder. Will edit them onto previous post if its all good. Weakened the scales and gave some negative side affects to them. Also due to size made Alvith not able to really run all that well and made them have slow reproduction.