Hello there! You might say I'm sort of new to written role-play, because I haven't participated in any in over 10 years. Last time I did, it was on a site specifically designated for LOTR role-play. With that being said, I have absolutely NO experience at all with D&D. Not the system, gameplay, game mechanics, lore, or any of it honestly. The problem here for me, is that your character sheet seems to rely heavily on D&D related material. I've done some research and read a little bit, but the amount of material available is so massive I get lost and never get past naming my character and giving him a class. So, that leads me to posting now. The idea of this RP is one that has drawn me back time and time again, attempting to work up a character and adhere to the character sheet provided since the first day you posted the interest check. My main obstacles with the character sheet are the ones that rely heavily on D&D, like the armor and weapon stats as well as whether things should be in spells rather than abilities or vice-versa. Everything that doesn't rely heavily on D&D is easy as pie. So any advice? If it helps any, I'm really digging the D&D classes like beastmaster and feral spirit.