Deserved to drown? What a cruel thing to say. That made her really angry, a fact which clearly showed on her face due to her wearing her heart on her nonexistent sleeves most of the time. Her tail flicked behind her as she eyed this mysterious women, pondering what to do next. Whatever the case may be, leaving her alone wasn't one of the options that she was considering. [color=82ca9d]"You involved? How? I'm not going 'till I know!"[/color] She exclaimed. [color=82ca9d]"...or beat you up, if bad answer!"[/color] She added as an afterthought, figuring that it was possible this girl was the one behind the attacks. So far her only suspects were her or the crabs and the crab situation was not looking all that enlightening. This girl was the better option by far to question if she were to get to the bottom of this case. Detective Evvie was getting close. She could smell it. While waiting for the reply she noticed that water was creeping up on her, the sandy shore retreating by the second. That didn't bother her too much at the moment because she could easily take flight. She wondered how this woman would deal with the problem. Worst case she'd have to rescue her, but she wouldn't make any such move until the situation became apparent. Plus the waters around here weren't too dangerous for anyone that could swim. Evvie couldn't but she heard most normal people can around these parts.