Plastic, neon and glass choke out the horizon while the sun struggles to worm its way through the canopy of office towers overhead; the human condition made manifest. Here you'd be just another number lost in the shuffle of information, a warm body pushed along by the current of those behind it. But you aren't--and you can't remember the last time you were warm. Vampire. Even if it's not the right word you're stuck with it, a condition far less glamorous than a legacy of B-movies and trashy romance novels would have you to believe. Honestly, in this day and age it's hard to tell if you'd be better off alive, an insight easily gained with a single step back from your humanity. You see things more clearly, watch more closely, gaze through the teeming crowds with a predator's sight. That isn't your world anymore, maybe it never was. This city doesn't have shadows; it is the neon and decay that shelter you, sustain you. Yellow tape and chalk outlines your only connection to the blind masses you've left behind. This is your world, but you are not alone in it. Draug, Alp, Vetala and Dhampir. These are the right words for your kin and kith. The proud afflicted, ancient stewards of an older grudge. The clans have always fought, laid blame for their current condition and perceived slights at each other's feet. There was honor to it once, but the prey have proved unlikely teachers. Diplomacy meted out at the end of a rifle. It is a secret war seldom fought on a single front, for even a blind man will fumble though the dark. Hunters hound us as they always have, their art perfected during our long decline. Strengthened by clarity of purpose. You were their target and you succumbed, a true death seemed certain. But we have taught them much as well, and they are not so merciful. Toothless they will call you, for your fangs are no longer your own. Usurped with the unfamiliar feeling of empty space where you heart once rested. You are their's now. Unwilling yet unwavering. What foes await you in the world you left behind? ************************************************* Testing the water a bit for my first RP idea here... Set against the backdrop of a neon-soaked worker's dystopia ravaged by global warming, espionage and an ever-climbing sea level the story will follow a group of 'Toothless'. Vampires that have had their hearts cut out, hidden away and held hostage at the whim of a shadowy agency. With obedience beating the alternative you serve your new masters in ways no mere mortal could manage... World-wise life as we know it gave way to an every-second-matters corporate nightmare, where the prevalence of machines has phased out human labor almost entirely; over seventy percent of the workforce now found in the ballooning information industry. Earth has gotten smaller with the rising tides and influx of refugees and space is a prized commodity; your average Joe inevitably works and lives in the same building, sharing a dormitory with his co-workers. Privacy doesn't exist, people don't matter and apathy reigns. The modern vampire hasn't fared much better; hunted and fractured they wage their hidden war, more and more of their elders lost each year, and with them their heritage. Ignorant, inglorious immortals such as yourself forced from public eye by necessity, like rats in a midden. Suffocating desperation the only inheritance for the recently sired. Only one thing remains certain. Constant. There will be blood. *************************************************************************** Basically you'll be a sort of supernatural 'suicide squad'. Expendable vampires forced to fight threats both mystic and mundane in place of human operatives. Advanced standards with the small stipulation that there are a few tropes I'd prefer avoided: *No one hit kills. It doesn't matter that you're a vampire in a room full of nameless mooks. Don't no sell dangerous people. *The world has moved on--you should too. If you walk into a gun fight with a sword you -will- lose. *Don't romanticize vampires. You're not allowed to be good people. Other than that all I ask is that you be excellent to each other and myself. I'll be posting the different flavors of bloodsucker in detail but for now enjoy these bare bones descriptions: Draug - Corpse eating undead that can enlarge themselves by shedding their skin. They hold dominion over snakes and can absorb memories from the soil. Dhampir - The ill fated progeny of a human and vampire. Until the curse matures they're afflicted with far less debilitating weaknesses than their elders, but likewise command only a fledgling array of powers. They hold no dominion. Vetala - Phantasmal puppeteers of the recently slain. Though virtually indestructible the bodies they inhabit are not, and they're rendered both immaterial and ineffectual without one. They hold domain over carrion birds and can pull whispers from the wind. Alp - Shapeshifters that sustain themselves on nightmares Alps hold dominion over insects and can glean a creature's desires with their 'swallowing stare.'