In upset confusion Inui bites his lip, as he's always done, however this time he jumps slightly in pain as one of his fangs pierces the soft flesh of his lip. He lets out a soft whine, the pain not helping his situation. Rue looks around to him quickly and gives him a sympathetic head shake. “Silly Inui.” he murmurs, very gently pulling Inui to the door. The Nightmare Minion pouts slightly at being call silly but doesn't let the fairy see as he turns back around to look at the dark haired youth. In a soft voice Rue says, “You should go to the infirmary and see if there's anything they can give you for your panic and to treat that. It's bleeding quite a, ew!” Inui freezes mid movement, his tongue having darted out to lap up the blood dripping from his lip. His tongue quickly darts back in in shame but Rue is already apologizing. “Sorry, sorry, I'm sure it's normal. I've heard some humans do that too.” The understanding Dream Minion smiles brightly at Inui and makes a shooing motion. Inui hesitates, not wanting to go alone. Sensing this Rue gives him a pained look. “Sorry, but I promised Mister Seishu I would stay with Lord Enasi. You need to go get treated though, I'm sure you can handle five minute on your own.” Rue smiles confidently, squeezing the red eyed one's hands encouragingly. Finally, with a nod, Inui opens the door quietly and heads out to the infirmary. As a delivery boy he has a rough understanding of where it is even though he's never been there before. His still clawed hands fidget as he walks, his worries growing with every step. Not only the uneasy feeling from before, but now the fact that he is traveling, openly, as a Nightmare Minion, through the halls of the Dream Realm Palace. It's quite unnerving. [i]'No one really liked me before, but at least then they didn't hate me because they thought I was one of them, but now, I'm clearly not. Not only am I not, but I look ready for a fight and I can't seem to shake the feeling that something is. . . .Wrong. . . .'[/i] Letting out a sift sigh he makes it to the infirmary without incident. Fuan is just finishing her usual checks when she feels him arrive, panicking for a moment thinking that somehow, incredibly, that foul creature has managed to return and is here to lay waste to her and the rest. However she manages to keep her composure as she turns around and lets out a sigh as she spots only the little whelp. He face is as sweet as ever as she walks over, smiling at him welcomingly. Her face does not betray the disgust she holds for the youth before her. Just the thought that such foulness has been tainting her beautiful realm for so many years is enough to turn her stomach. “How may I help you young man? Oh, you have a little cut there!” She cringes as he licks his lip but covers it up with a sympathetic look. Quickly she fetches what she needs to treat the wound. A large part of her is tempted to pretend she forgot he's not a dream and inject him with some positive energy but thinks better of it, not wanting to draw attention to herself just yet. [i]'When it's all done, I will take all the credit. I am not ashamed of what I have done, I just don't want it all ruined by the brainwashing they've all undergone. Besides, I can almost forgive this one here. He can not help what he was born to, unlike that Rue. . .'[/i] Out of all those who surrounded Seishu and looked after him, Rue is the one she loathes most, almost more than Seishu himself. Not that she'd ever admit it, even after it's all over. Dream denizens are forgiving after all. . . ~*~*~*~*~ At last he arrives in the Turtle Bus's clearing, the large creature opening one giant eye, blinking it slowly as he stares down at the panting giant rodent. Harper is only partially out of breath, the rest of his labored breathing coming from the slowly rising panic deep inside him. He knows he has to remain calm, but even knowing that does not stop the feelings from bubbling in the pit of his stomach. Looking up into that great eye he takes a moment to catch his breath before offering a half bow and addressing the giant figure. “Pardon the intrusion on your much deserved rest sir, however I am in a bit of a hurry.” The large creature simply blinks in response, prompting Harper to continue. “There's been a little bit of a mishap, and I'm not sure if there is anything you can do, however I. . .” His voice trails off as the dream lifts his head, sniffing the air softly with his giant nostrils. After a moment it looks back at the white furred beast and shakes it's head slowly. “He's not here any more.” Harper's blood runs cold. “Are. . .Are you sure?” His throat closes up as he tries to speak, his low burning panic flaring up suddenly. TB nods in his normal slow fashion and Harper reaches up, clasping his head in his paws. “This, this can't. . .” TB lets out a puff of air, knocking the much smaller furball on to his backside, making his shout and look up. The shelled beast simply blinks one last time before settling it's head back down and going promptly to sleep. Harper stares for a moment before smiling gently. [i]'He's right, freaking out won't do anyone any good. . .'[/i] Standing slowly he rotates his head and ears this way and that until he pinpoints Crios and with a slight bow to the TB he takes off. They need to regroup and discuss the situation. ~*~*~*~*~ Slowing in the forest for just a moment to leave a message for Starla to head back to the palace Harper skids to a halt just outside of town, not wanting to spook anyone by racing through like a madman. Using his ears an nose he quickly locates the doctor, looking between to close set buildings that have a long series of bars staggered between the spaces for certain dreams to swing and climb on. With a meaningful look he motions towards the edge of town and without a word Crios follows. The foxy doctor can tell that something is horribly wrong even as Harper offers smiles and nods to various denizens. [i]'I know that look. He's in a blind panic, putting a face on for the crowd. I swear, if Seishu is dead somewhere I'm going to revive him just so I can kill him with my bare hands for dying after all my hard work!'[/i] As soon as they are out of earshot of the townsfolk Crios tries to ask what's wrong but Harper shakes his head and breaks into a run towards the palace. Still a bit tired Crios lets out a groan but does not hesitate to follow as quickly as he can. Having gotten the message through the leaves Starla has already made her way back to the palace and located her brother. The two of them are waiting in the entrance hall as the two man beast hybrids arrive, matching looks of concern on their faces. Harper motions them over to a smaller room off the main hall before he speaks up. Looking around at them all very seriously he takes a deep steadying breath before murmuring, “Seishu isn't here any more. TB has confirmed it.” No one questions this statement. Crios falls on to a convenient sofa in shock, trying to process the idea of Seishu somehow being gone from this realm. Meanwhile the siblings look to one another in shock before Finn covers his eyes with his hand and Starla lets out a frustrated, panicked huff.