Arthur followed the Grandmaster and others into the war room, the trophies are what caught his eye. Arthur's dream was to someday have something to place inside this room, he hoped in his life as a Knight he would have done enough good and displayed enough bravery to be remembered like the founders and some of those before him. Arthur stood among his comrades around the map table and listened as Edward spoke. They were to slay foes on Sunfang Mountain, Arthur has slayed many foes before but whether this mountain would make a difference was something he'd have to see when they got there. A mini sand tornado appeared on the opposite side of the table, the tornado gave off a burst of heat, which Arthur felt on against his face, as Hastuk arrived. Hastuk address Arthur and his fellow knights mentioning the royal wedding. Arthur preferred to stay out of affairs of the royals but as it was his duty he had no choice. The Viper clan would be dangerous and highly skilled but the Arcane Knights would surely defeat them, something Arthur truly believed. He listened as Quill, the sloth man...Loduzzro and Lao weighed in on the mission. Arthur had no questions or plans of attack to contribute; he would follow orders and do as he was needed to do. Arthur had no use for the Order's horses, he hoped his own Stallion had been fed, watered and rested; he would use no other horse as no other horse would suffice.