I'll take a look at the code when I get home from school, but I'm pretty confident that the numerical username is the culprit. Worst case scenario there will probably have to be an exception in the code made just for you/any other numerical usernamed (totally a word) people. EDIT: took a look at the stats and there are 35k ish users, definitely short of your 71342. It definitely sees a number and tries to interpret it as a userid. Since such doesn't exist, it errors. When I get home I'll try making the uid->username functionality a backup rather than a default: if name exists as username use that user, else check as userid, instead of automatically assuming all numbers are userids. Can't promise it'll be pushed to the site anytime soon, because Mahz is away grinding money IRL for a bit, and I have no actual power. I can submit code to be reviewed by him before being pushed, but can't push it myself.