The Surgery Department was the most competitive of all the departments in the hospital. Dr. Richards the chief surgeon was a great surgeon, but now he was about 3 years past his prime and not many people had the guts to call him on it, and those that did found themselves dealing with a power mad has-been. It was only a matter of time before the board stepped in and the inside word was the job was Scott's to lose, but Bosworth was starting to make a name for herself. Not a lot was known about her personal life or what she did before she came to the hospital, but there was no denying her talent. Scott would never say it publicly but if he lost out to Bosworth he would be okay with it actually. For all her business first and at times lack of being in on all the jokes around the department Scott respected Sara's skill because watching her work was like watching a bird take flight or an artist paint. It was watching something that was meant to happen in nature and there were no words necessary to describe what was going on. He listened to Sara's instructions to monitor the vitals and all he said was,[B] "You got it." [/B]Scott knew this was Sara's operation and to usurp her authority would not only make him look like a bully, but Richards would get wind of it and if that happened it was all but assured that Sara would be crushed by him. Scott wasn't about to let that would-be Napoleon run over Sara. Not out of a sense of friendship or loyalty to Sara, but the fact that Scott couldn't stand Richards and Sara had things well in hand at this time. He heard her make his quip about singing a bit more and even Scott had to smile at that. He shrugged his shoulders and said, [B]"It was the only thing I could think of at the time."[/B] Scott looked around the O-R and said, [B]"Someone go get me the words to 'Blue Hawaii' in case I need them."[/B] Scott began to survey the vitals and said, [B]"Vitals are good and strong and within normal limits."[/B] He looked over at the scan results and said, [B]"Be careful. Looks like there's embolism just beneath the cerebellum. If that thing ruptures Kristy will be having conversations with oatmeal."[/B] Scott looked back to Sara and said, [B]"You got this all the way Dr. Bosworth."[/B] He looked back at the nurse and said, [B]"Bring me her chart."[/B] Scott scanned it quickly and said with great sarcasm, [B]"Terrific."[/B] He looked back at Sara and said, [B]"This one is Richards' patient and he left for the day without going over anything else."[/B] Scott shook his head said, [B]"100 to 1 he comes storming in here after you're finished, and does everything to make you the villain in all this."[/B] Sara vs Nelson Richards would be a slaughter for Sara's standing in the hospital, but Kelly said, [B]"I'll back you up all the way, I promise"[/B] Scott could excuse a lot of things but incompetence that nearly led to a death wasn't one of them. He knew it was time to take Richards down, and he also sensed this would be a good chance to get to know Sara better. He was convinced there was a shared interest in not only surgery, but science as well. There was a project he was being recruited for and he thought Sara might be a good person to bounce things off of.