[color=0072bc][h2]Ukatan City, Japan[/h2][/color] [h3]Construction Site Ruins, Thursday[/h3] [color=0072bc]Oh man, she was really going to die, wasn't she? No one really came to her aid for what seemed the longest time. Akane didn't dare turn her head to see what was coming her way-- if she did, she would probably shit herself then and there. All of a sudden, her Servant rushed forward, knocking away the sharp objects that had been aimed at her. That would have certainly killed her if Lancer hadn't arrived. [b]"A-ah, right, I just need to find a way to get out of here!"[/b] she called over her shoulder. Another person showed up, this time a pale-haired male that didn't seem much older than she was. Was he on her side? Well... he wasn't running toward her or attacking her, but he engaged the stranger in combat. She only caught sight of the armored figure backing off before she suddenly felt herself become lighter than she usually was. And then, just as quickly, she was lifted into the air and spirited away from the construction site's ruins. Panic began to flutter in her chest as she realized that she was [i]flying[/i]. Akane clung to the person that had rescued her as she held back a scream, her eyes flooded with fear as she turned toward her "savior". Some fear was replaced with shock at the light-haired young woman in front of her. [b]"L-Louise?"[/b] Was it really her? She didn't seem like the type of person that would be a mage, not to mention a mage that had summoned a Servant. She allowed herself to relax a little bit-- if it was Louise that had saved her, that probably meant that she had no reason to be afraid. What would she do about Lancer? If he decided to go ahead and attack the other Servant and Louise and didn't back off no matter what she told him, she would have to use a Command Seal. She looked at the back of her hand as Louise explained her plan to the long-ranged Servant. It would be good to go back to the dorms. She'd probably lock herself in her room, afterwards...[/color] [[@Constantine] [@Flamelord] [@Sublimation] [@Raijinslayer]] [color=aba000][h2]Ukatan City, Japan[/h2][/color] [h3]Unnamed hotel, Thursday[/h3] [color=aba000]Rider spent most of the day lurking around the city, searching for any reliable pieces of information (and shiny things that he found attractive) before sensing several presences nearby. The large man did not call upon Jebe to carry him as he could reach the area where the confrontation was going on before long. As the presences became stronger and stronger, he hid his own presence and proceeded with caution. What he saw was something surprising-- several mages and three Servants had revealed themselves. One seemed to be a Berserker, the other a Lancer... and the one that used the guns... he wasn't sure. Maybe Archer, or maybe even Caster, since guns were foreign to many of the Servants. At least he knew the male Servant's method of attacking, which was much like his own. There was also an armored figure-- probably Saber, but he did not see any glimpse of a sword. Instead of leaping into the fray, Rider backed off and began to head toward the hotel that his Master resided in. It would have been idiotic to just jump in like that... but he had to admit, it would have been fun. He was itching for a fight. But it was more important to observe your enemy first, learn everything you can about them. He shoved his hands into his pockets as he arrived at the hotel, walking up some stairs before entering the room that his Master lived in. He closed the door behind him, watching his Master closely before the shadow of a smirk came over his lips. [b]"It was a busy day today, Master,"[/b] he explained, walking over and taking a seat nearby. [b]"There was a showdown at the construction site already. The Servants that the Grail has summoned are interesting. The Berserker class fights with appendages that look much like roots, and the Archer or Caster class uses firearms."[/b][/color] [[@hatakekuro]]