[hider=Human CS] Name: Remus Archibald [hider=Appearance][img]http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/Shakespeare_i_2810.png[/img] [/hider] Age: 17 Height: 5'11 [b]Personality[/b]: A double edged sword on one side he is the gentleman on the other he is the cruel monster that very few wish to meet, he plays both parts whether he is among friends or foes for they are both the same to him something that can be of use or easily bring him to his demise suffice it to say he treats his tools with great care and demolishes his obstacles. Bio: The boy that was William Jackson grew up in a well to do family he had all the luxuries that his upbringing entitled, money, a good education and above all a wit and charisma to make sure he didn't just have to buy all his friends, but he also inherited much of its problems, particularly the ones done behind closed and sound proof doors. His father sheltered the boy most of his life so the boy was not able to experience much of the outside world to him all the world was a place that could lead to rather great prestige for your family. While at night his mother personally taught him the horrors that strode about in plain site, just how keen love could sting when it was driven straight through your skin, which begged the question for William what hid in the darkness? It was a dark and stormy night when William went to his fathers study to find his mother had murdered him and planned to do the same to her son so that she could inherit all the families wealth for herself, it was there that he saw the monster his father had let in to there lives they had both suffered because of her but also there weak wills and blindness that the real monsters do not lurk in the shadows but stride about in plain sight with a smile on their face, and so the child William Jackson fled into the shadows and became Remus Archibald the midnight Aristocrat, somewhat of an urban legend a figure who always appears from the shadows with a helping hand or one that is just likely to snatch a purse or wallet. Regardless of intentions he always works with his back to the shadows and a friendly smile on his face. -Stats: Morale: ***** Athleticism: *** Spirit: ***** Knowledge: **** Psychology: *** Inventory: A sword cane, 3 wallets(2 of them stolen) a golden old style watch with a family portrait (his father and mothers eyes have been marked with X's) and the clothes(Albeit fancy) on his back and a top hat on his head BITS: 0 [/hider] [Hider=Digimon CS] Name: Given: Jeriah What they call themselves: Yost (YOW-ST) Species: Zurumon Level: Baby-1 Appearance: Blue eyes instead of Red Height: 5m Personality: Ever since she hatched Yost has always had memories that she was once powerful, that she was respected and other Digimon followed her, she did not have to run from others but she could stand her ground. At first Yost took these memories and thought they were prophesies and promised her that this power was hers for the taking, when she first had them she took them literally and began to fight other Digimon thinking she still had much of her power and that others just needed to be reminded what and who she was! However this of course was not true and Yost soon found herself crawling from another DigiEgg even weaker than before, whats worse is the memories were weaker and fewer! These were her one hope she had so Yost abandoned her idea of taking power and sought to utilize what she had and that was the fact she was small, unnoticeable and above all weak no Digimon would bother wasting their power on her and she would use this to her advantage, hiding in the dark quick and quite watching how those in power operated learning from them their strengths and weaknesses, how best to utilize every possible advantage and to fight not only with raw power but the strength of mind and wit, at times she would attempt to offer herself to the service of powerful Digimon spying for them or plotting cunning schemes. It was then that Yost realized the most important thing was not only to rely on her own power but that of others and how best she could use them for her own goals, her dreams would be made a reality but she had to prove that they were really hers memories and not just false hopes and disillusion of Grandeur all she needed was someone who was just a sly schemer as she, one who she could call a partner or even a equal. Family: Nightmare Soldiers Attribute: Virus EXP: 0/0 Techniques:-Acid Bubble Energy cost: 2 Type: Baby Technique Element: N/A Effect: Attacks the target with an acidic bubble. Ranged; 1d6 damage. Features: [b]Ingenious-Power[/b] Digimon with this Feature use their Cunning modifier for the to-hit roll, and may use the Cunning modifier to replace their choice of either Power or Force modifiers, as well as replacing Power or Agility in maneuvering. This Feature does not change Movement speed calculation. Stats: ---Hit-Points: 6/6 ---Energy: 4/4 ----------Power: 1 ----------Endurance: 1 ----------Force: 5 ----------Fortitude: 1 ----------Dexterity:5 ----------Agility: 10 ----------Vitality: 1 ----------Wisdom: 5 ----------Cunning: 10 ----------Generation: 0/6 ----Weight: 5g Equipment: None [/hider]