[@TheMaster99] Thank you for responding to my summons so quickly. I think the highest user ID that is assigned ATM is 14484... A quick experiment with the user feature (Typing in various IDs until I got a "not found" error) told me that much. I cannot pretend to understand what you're saying, I mean, I get what you want to do, but as far as how you would do it makes no sense to me. I seriously need to do a quick hour-of-code lesson, because the only thing I even remotely know how to code is Microsoft Visual Basic (And only that on an elementary level) which isn't all that useful for something like this. Grr. Also, [@Jyoliod]: But why do you even bother trying? Because here are some equally-alarming statistics: Not receiving flattery in life has a 100% mortality rate. Not only that, everyone who doesn't recieve flattery in life will die. Trying to prevent people from receiving flattery also has a 100% mortality rate. At least 50% of females (I cannot speak for males) enjoy being flattered. And finally. You, sir, are a hypocrite. I applaud your good manners, but calling me "ma'am" when I am nothing of the sort (Just a teenaged girl and an inelegant one at that) is most [i]definitely[/i] flattery in and of itself.