This is a Highschool DxD fanbased RP, those unknown with it are still free to join as I am wiling to explain everything ^^ I should warn that Highschool DxD is an Ecchi, meaning erotic jokes and comments can be made and in the manga/ anime bare breasts have been shown often enough, I will allow things of such caliber in this rp, seeing as its like real live with that much and all and fits with HSDxD standards and cultural background a little (depending on the point of view) but do remember the site has rules against anything too graphic and sexual, so if you feel like shifting the flow of events into a real sexual event I suggest going PM for that much (could even be possible to make a group PM setting for the hell of it so we can do such an rp all together when such an event comes up without breaking site regulations) ----------------------------------------- .simple plot info. ------------------------------------- During the story of the anime/ manga/ lightnovel, in its shadows more groups of devils exist having their own story, dreams and wishes, this rp will follow one of them, the Volray group. to start with, this rp will not be canon, it will break free but I will try to do this in a manner that it wont conflict with the real story of the gremory group, for further notice, I will also keep the group in mostly the dark of the events of the gremory group for spoiler protection for those not that far in the story (mostly due to the fact that I have and keep on reading the lightnovel which is much further in the story then the anime, which on its own is much further then the manga) During our story we will experience rating games, grow in various ways and try to reach all our dreams, to which the shortcut would be to make the group's [King]'s dream come true first. At times where the real show has gone into black sections/ background events (better said, time skips) we may even meet the gremory group or some of its members and at rare times get sucked in with huge events of the real story while having no knowledge of what is happening to start with. ----------------------------- To prevent the group of players to become too large I have added multiple chars, not one of them is meant to outshine any other player characters as everyone is equal and has the ability to grow. aside the King, what will be my main char, the rest are mainly NPC's but under my control, so feel free that if it wont clash somehow to place any of them at a place you need them (with clashing I mean, if its known that lets say Moena is shopping and Runa is talking with someone else character while hecate is sleeping, then those 3 are not possible) [hider=Blank CS] Name: Age: Gender: race: (if you rather play with an other creature, say here, the powers that are related will be listed later on (this only apply's the the race you were before turning devil)) Rank: (class of devil and race, also include Reincarnated if your start as anything else but a devil, all beginning characters that have just been turned or will be turned will start as a Low class devil) appearance: personality: Evil piece: Categorized: (not for new devils, this gets deturmend later on, there are 2 points: main point (strong point) Power, Technique, Wizard, and Support, and the sub point main is based on the natural talent, power and such sub is based on fighting style) normal powers: (if your not human) magical energy and powers: (Energy referese to the natural born amount of magical talent and capacity, powers is optional as most need to learn magical spells first) Secret Gear: (where on your body do you have it, what kind of item is it, what can it do (note, some items do not appear on your body and are more use items like a bow that appears in your hand)) -revelations: (a gear can at times evolve based on the user's will power, gaining a new ability and sometimes even a new look, if your gear already has made an evolution, state that here (not for new characters, but you can, if wanted list your future evolution possibility's in hiders) -Balance breaker: (temporally changing the gear to gain a power (or powers) that are (so called) powerful enough to break the worlds balance (kinda like super sayjin if you want an example of what this can do), non will have this during the start of the rp, but you can list what it might be able to do) -sub species (a gear can make an evolution that changes it so much it loses its normal appearance/ powers, what gives it a new ability that is not fitting into its normal evolution's, this counts as a sub species also balance breaker's can be changed to have a 2e balance breaker by using and changing the original balance breaker, these 2e versions are also sub species (a gear can also make a sub species balance breaker right at the start, but that closes off the natural balance breaker path)) equipment: bio/ history: others: [/hider] ------------------- Pieces listing: [King]: Zeke Volray [Queen]: Moena Sasumi [Rook]: Orin 'The Black Beast' (Kitsune) [Rook]: Ophelia Heart [Bishop]: sonitus Polley (Mtntopview) [Bishop]: Runa Fukada [Knight]: Hecate Prayer [Knight]: marcus wilson (demonspade64) [Pawn value 3]: Yumi kurokawa [Pawn value 4]: yuriha (KoL) [Pawn]: * : I have one char for future events which is kinda needed for getting Balance Breaker's (unless someone ends up making a char what fits the criteria), this char is preferred to be a [Rook] (though this is optional depending on the players that joined in by the time I'll add this char) : Yumi Kurokawa has originally been set as a Bishop HOWEVER, if anyone joins before the rp really starts that wishes to use a Bishop piece, then Yumi can easily be reset to 3 Pawns There are a few other char's I have planned to add later on, but this completely depends on the players that have joined by the time those may get their own entrance (cant add anyone if there is not enough pieces XD) .Evil piece side note: Evil pieces possess a lot of secret traits, one of which is the mutate piece which breaks the original value marker given to a piece (in this group that piece has been used by Moena) for this group I have added an other secret trait (inspired by a misconception of the fenix group wings setting), that for some unknown reason, all the ones reincarnated into a devil by Zeke gains his wings, which sadly enough lack enough mass to fly on its own and is only useful for gliding or some other small stuff, Zeke and most of the groups current mix their elemental traits into the wings to give it enough mass, the others will or have found their own way to fly. It is not truly needed to do this with your own chars but if you like to I do recommend it for a change of pace and all and fitting more in with the current created stuff Piece abilities: [King] groups leader, no clear abilities beyond underlings connected ones and towering with a Rook piece [Queen] possesses all traits of Knight, Bishop and Rook but in lesser contents, such as a temporal aura shield (queens shield) instead of the rooks normal increased defence [Rook] Highly increased strenght and defense (value differs from individual to individual), can use towering with the King (switch places) [Knight] Increased speed (value differs from individual to individual) [Bishop] Increased magical capacity and talent, tends to act as a supporter [Pawn] when in an area the King remarks as an enemy (otherwise said with the kings premission) can promote to any other piece outside the king ------------------ The next bit is copied right off the int. check, so some bits may not be all that correct to the info above here, but still these are useful notes in general: NOTES: -Story based notes: --I have read the entire lightnovel to the point it is translated at this stage (and often check for the next chapters), so I know pretty much everything that happens or is going to happen during the manga/ anime, due to this I have to ask those that are willing to join in this rp to mention if they know the manga/ anime/ lightnovel and if so how far they are so I can work stuff in a way that there will be no to nearly no spoilers of anything or any important stuff. --for this, the real story might be altered slightly (also to include this group), plus most of the real story events will be set in our background or are just not meant to be added to our plot at all (like gremory only plot events and so on) -Character based Notes: --for the NPC matter with the Volray group, outside Zeke, all the mentioned girls will be controlled by me, BUT you are free to include any of the girls to your own character situations (as long as its possible, if one is going to sleep or is somewhere else, she cant magically appear next to your char now can see (ok magically appear is possible with the transport circles but its the point of this matter that counts)), so feel free to say that if your char go's swimming, she/he finds Moena in the pool already or something, or during shopping or school suddenly bumps into Yumi... --for Moena's situation: though this will be explained in her Bio, I felt its wise to report this here so you know whats up, from the times of the first war between the heavens and hell, one ultimate class devil left to earth and disappeared (fan-made, not part of the real stuff and is not part of the 72 pillars (more like he left before the pillars were officially founded or something)), Moena is a descendant from this person, she has his powers once they were activated but she herself is nowhere near ultimate class, having to learn and master her powers and all, so she is at best a low highclass devil or a high medium class --Sacred gear based, due to having followed the lightnovel and analyzing stuff I have an Idea of how some types of gears work with their evolution matters and all, mostly felt like saying that and with it let you know that the gears the girls use are following the more official rules as I have found, especially the gears belonging to the mainly last 2 chars to add later on --regarding the last 2/3 chars, this bit may be a little complicated, but outside the group already reported, as I said I have 2/3 other chars I wish to use eventually, 1 of which is kinda important for drawing in power to the group so we can get to balance breaker states. now the appearance and use of these chars however will be fully based on you people, if someone else adds a char that makes the balance breaker issue work as well, then that other girl wont be needed (still like to add her but that is beside the point), further, if enough people join that all evil pieces are used already then these characters wont show up at all, well perhaps as ally's (depending), the evil pieces for these 2/3 are open to change depending on you all. for that same issue I am stating that while I already have 2 bishops listed, if someone really wants to be a Bishop, I can change Yumi to take 3 pawn pieces I guess for those wondering why I am stating 2/3 chars, it is one of those matters that change based on you, if those joining with girl characters (please do XD), then it will be 2 chars (both girls), if one joins with a male character, then I can add 3 (2 will be male, one will be new in general), the reason for this: if I get join characters added, then I like to keep it all girls (well aside Zeke), if a guy is added, well I have 1 sacred gear what is meant to be a unique type and has 2 users made for it, one is a girl and one is a male (each is unique and not just a difference in gender) and I have 1 who is made to be just a pure male in general with a gear solely made for him. --------------------- [hider=Home base layout] The building is an old school building in holland, it has been altered by the previous devil who lived in it) [hider=Interior decoration style] [img][/img] [/hider] [IMG][/IMG] Misc room is where the jobs are done, grand teleport circle is found and other super natural research stuff can be done WR are normal rest rooms [/hider] well any questions are welcome, I can always expend on the info needed for you all