"Maybe a brush?" Chii teased as she appeared from seemingly out of nowhere and seated herself on the steps next to Cadogan. "Studying The Great Inventor's new mechanical arm, Chii tilted her head slightly to the right and then peered at Cadogan curiously. "Did it hurt?" the diminutive dragoness asked as she reached out to ru the forefinger of her right hand along Cadogan's metal forearm. "I would think it hurt," Chii mused as she pulled her hand back and folded it on her lap, right hand laying over left. "So you don't know what's going on either? It's the council chambers, so a meeting, I think. Maybe the one to decide whether the seraphim will be joining the war... probably on the human's side," Chii mused aloud as she lifted her head slightly, her gaze sweeping from right to left. "If that happens... I wonder how many of us will survive?" Chii asked, her question directed partly at Cadogan and partly at anyone else within earshot. "My race, I mean," she added while glancing down at her hands, turning them over and flexing her fingers-claws slowly. "Before I started this trip, before I came looking for Neon, I had my own ideas about humans and seraphim.. anyone would." Chii paused to look up at the vast expanse of clear blue sky overhead before adding softly, a touch of sadness in her voice, "I can't say I have been friends with everyone, but I would miss you, and Garran... even the others. I wouldn't enjoy havimg to fight any of you." Lowering her gaze from the sky, Chii looked to Cadogan, her golden-silver flecked eyes showing a sudden warmth. "I mean that."