A large group of animals surrounded one boy. He had started singing a cheerful tune as he made his way to Tolbi. As he did, wild animals that lived in the area flocked to where he was. Small birds flew around him, stray dogs nuzzled his ankles, and even a few butterflies sat on his shoulders. Tim, simply laughed. "Haha, hey guys! How've ya been?" For a moment, Tim was happy. Animals were his life. They were the best friends he had ever had. Humans however, were an entirely different matter. While he knew there were good people in the world, a lot of the ones he knew were judgemental jerks. It was his first day as a member of Fairy Tail, a prominent Mage's Guild. While he was honored to have been chosen for this, he was nervous about having to be in a group with a bunch of strangers. Thinking about it made him shudder. Who knows what kind of people he was going to have to be with. When he was invited to be a member a few months ago, he was looking foward to being independent. To be able to travel at his own pace, meet some interesting animals, and stop to smell the flowers once in a while. Speaking of smelling flowers, Tim took the opportunity to sniff a few that were scattered around, as well as pick a few berries to make treats for himself and his animal friends later. As soon as he approached the edge of town, Tim had to shoo his new entourage of animals away. "Ok guys, can you go now, please? He said politely, "It's not safe for you guys to come into town. I'll bring back some treats as soon as I can." All the animals obeyed his request, leaving him and Alice alone. "Well, it looks like I'm on my own now..." the boy said with a sigh. For a few moments, Tim just stood there taking deep breaths trying to calm himself. Taking the first few steps was a nerve-racking experience. Once he finally mustered up the courage, he stepped into the crowded city, and made his way to the Guild hall. --- Tim cautiously entered the Guild Hall. The place was crowded, and filled with other mages. Tim sighed, bit his lip, and started wringing his hands as he looked at the other Magess in attendance. He felt completely out of place, like a goldfish in a lake filled with piranhas. Judging by the way everyone carried themselves, these people looked like they had much more experience than he did. He was unsure why they had asked him to come here in the first place. He had completed his training and became a Guild member not that long ago. Surely there were other, more qualified Water Mages they could've called on? There weren't even any animals around to play with. As much as he wanted to get out of there, he had already come this far, and it was too late to leave now. Besides, running away after being invited would make a bad first impression with the ones in charge. Then he'd never get assigned to any important tasks. The Water Mage kept his head down, and quietly took a seat at a table, away from everyone else. He saw someone who looked like the Guildmaster put up a list of jobs. Not being sure what he should do, Tim watched the others, and waited to see what would happen.