Name: Moena 'Sasumi' Age: 16 Gender: Female race: Human/ devil decedent Rank: Medium class devil, reincarnated, decedent of a legendary (self made up) devil appearance: she can take on 2 shapes, her human shape and her devil decedent shape: Devil shape: the next picture BUT: without the flowers and some red details, also, her eyes are red in where it should be white, black eye color and a yellow colored pupil, also she has some skin colored scales under her breast and sides and much longer Black hair, most important change, she has wings made out of bones with no membrane between the dead bone's further Japanese, F cup, 1.80 [img][/img] Human shape: Appearance: she looks similar but loses a 10CM in height, her hair becomes as short as the picture (but Black), she looks fully human and her breast shrink into a B cup, brown eyes, usually in a kimono personality: proud of her devil body yet still satisfied with her human body, quickly gets used to new things, is not afraid to show her body and experiment in a lot of ways, she can even with easy start changing in a hallway if no one is there at that point and not mind if someone would come to walk in on her, she is friendly but its a bad idea to get her angry, also she has taken on the role of big caring sister or mother of the girls under her in the group, She is Bi Evil piece: Queen (same traits as the other pieces but with limits), Mutation piece categorized: Power-technique normal powers: all devil basic powers mentioned in Zeke's CS magical energy and powers: being born in a blood line of a lost line of devils she has gained some new powers when she got in touch with devils: able to switch between her 2 forms able to crystallize anything, even water molecules in the air and control these crystals, all in a matter of seconds her bone have a core of crystal, she can lift her self to fly by controlling the crystal core in the bones of her wings, he can also force these crystals to move and even break the bones, using this she can shape the wings into other things such as a scythe or a corset under her breasts (in order to move around, or lay down in her devil shape without the wings being a pain in the ass) he has a freak load of magical powers, more then anyone in the group, she has learned to use communication circles and transportation circles as a few other things she needs to be able to do as second in command and [Queen], but never really specialized in offencive or defencive magic as it costs magical energy for her crystal powers. Secret Gear: N/A equipment: N/A bio/ history: she has lost all her memory's of before she woke up in the underworld Zeke had found her buried under the snow just outside a graveyard, she was almost frozen, At this time Zeke was still A mid class devil himself and lacked Evil Pieces to revive the poor girl, still he wanted to help her so he took her into the underworld, trough illegally at first. there she started to wake up, but before that, she started to change, the old sleeping blood that was inside her recognized the energy of the underworld and started to become active. when she woke up she had only partially transformed, her horns and wings were not there yet but that did not wait all that long, still before it started to grow in a painful matter, she and Zeke started to talk, she wanted to know where they were and who she was... when the horns and wings started to shape did her screams of pain called in the guards of the castle he was staying at, they were already looking for an invader and found her. not long after however did Sirzech Lucifer, a kind man, Enter (as the place was his parents house where Zeke was staying) he recognized her appearance of some old manuscripts He had read during the time of the Final Great war, the script seemed to stem from a time before the great war even fully started or at least during its first few months, telling of an powerful devil of legendary class with a strange look and powerful lost magic. he started to simply talk to the 2, hearing the story. Learning Zeke's goal, he arranged for Zeke to take the High class exam much earlier then innitially thought and made sure that the Queen piece was a Mutation piece so that the girl with the lost memory had a new place to stay and Zeke had a powerful family member to aid him with his goal. she was a bit skeptic a first, but with nothing of her past to depend on she soon started to enjoy her new live. she is not aware that Zeke however did return without her to the place he found her, he looked for her parents and found them as they were still celebrating with a large banner stating 'the brat is dead' he wanted to kill them right there and then... no knowledge if he did is known he however was able to learn her name Moena he did not want to give her her old last name seeing the people that were supposed to be her 'loving parents' so he looked a bit deeper into her family's past and found an member that looked like her, this person was long dead but was mentioned to have been a loving mother, so he took this name returning he gave her the name: Moena sasumi others: she has a familiar, a pink blob like slime with acid, poison and shape shifting abilitys, its usually in a pink scorpion shape and has full control if it wants to use any kind of acid (even acid that only works on cloths), any kind of poison or neither his name is: Krawl