Alright, let's see... -reads- So, Crimson, Hap looks fine, but one little thing stood out: In his "Personality" section, you say that he's easy to read, heart on his sleeve, but then go on to say that he suppresses his anger and pain... Which seems odd. Why not have him be open and communicative about such things? That seems much more in keeping with the rest of his attitude (openness). The rest of him sounds like he'd be the kind who would rather talk things out and nip problems in the bud as early as possible. Maybe I just got the wrong impression? -- :) I like Asim a lot, Kilt, and I think he will make a fine addition to the team. Accepted. Remember that deer are quadrupedal, though. Asim would be eight feet [i]long[/i], only about four and a half to five feet tall (at the shoulder).